Hugh Jackman, your No. 1 idol status is thus established!

Hubert 2022-04-19 09:01:55

Watching this movie is all about Hugh Jackman.

When I first heard about this movie in college, my friend told me that men in the 19th century were really gentlemen, but I didn't watch the movie at that time.

After watching Wolverine, I like Hugh Jackman very much. After watching his latest Oscar ceremony, he does have talent in addition to muscles. He is really talented~ Opera and dance are all professional.

I heard from another friend on Friday that falling in love with you through time and space is completely advertising your Otis elevator company. So take the time to watch this romantic drama with a very old-fashioned plot.

Overall, the story isn't worth watching, it's an old movie, and the plot is so cliché that you can't really guess what's going to happen next. . . But Hugh Jackman is on the other side entirely, Bricks! Incomparable brick!

Okay, a handsome, romantic, gentleman, tall, talented, brave, sexy Hugh Jackman, who can say no to you?

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Extended Reading

Kate & Leopold quotes

  • [last lines]

    Leopold: Well, let us proceed. Please raise your glasses so we may toast to my bride-to-be, the woman whose welfare and happiness shall be my solemn duty to maintain. The future Duchess of Albany...

    [Kate catches his eye]

    Leopold: Kate McKay. Of the McKays of...?

    Kate: Massapequa.

    Leopold: Massapequa.

    [to his uncle's confusion, Leopold goes to Kate]

    Kate: I love you.

    Leopold: I love you.

    [They kiss, then begin to dance]

  • Charlie: Victorian dude, who has never seen a Met's game, watching TV. Scene: "I say, are those little people in that box of phosphors. Crikey, I believe it is. This game is more beguiling than cricket"