I don't know when I fell in love with you

Rosalee 2022-04-21 09:02:05

I have seen this movie before, and this is an early time-travel romance drama. After watching it many times, I still like it very much. I feel that it can calm down the impetuous mood, especially the music in the play. I like it very much. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is so wonderful to listen to at midnight.
The heroine in the play said: "I have always lived in this city, but I have never been to the other side of the bridge." It makes me think of the city where I live now, how fast the rhythm of life is, and the pattern is so fixed. I'm confused, what is the job for, which is more real in reality or in ideal...
Some people say that this movie is so-so, it's just a little romantic, but why do I go to hopeless I fell in love with it, and I won't get tired of watching it over and over again. Maybe I'm longing for the love like Snow White in the story.

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Kate & Leopold quotes

  • [last lines]

    Leopold: Well, let us proceed. Please raise your glasses so we may toast to my bride-to-be, the woman whose welfare and happiness shall be my solemn duty to maintain. The future Duchess of Albany...

    [Kate catches his eye]

    Leopold: Kate McKay. Of the McKays of...?

    Kate: Massapequa.

    Leopold: Massapequa.

    [to his uncle's confusion, Leopold goes to Kate]

    Kate: I love you.

    Leopold: I love you.

    [They kiss, then begin to dance]

  • Charlie: Victorian dude, who has never seen a Met's game, watching TV. Scene: "I say, are those little people in that box of phosphors. Crikey, I believe it is. This game is more beguiling than cricket"