
General 2022-04-21 09:02:05

Meg Ryan is still so sweet and I love how capable she is! Hugh Jackman is also very handsome, very gentleman!

The plot is generally easy and the pace is relatively moderate! Sometimes love is a kind of destiny! Whether fate is holding each other is really important! Whether we can truly be together with each other's destiny depends on our own good fortune!

The story is still the same as a fairy tale, because such love is impossible in reality! But the film seems to tell the audience that love is a fantasy fairy tale, so there are so many people who believe in and worship love!

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Kate & Leopold quotes

  • [last lines]

    Leopold: Well, let us proceed. Please raise your glasses so we may toast to my bride-to-be, the woman whose welfare and happiness shall be my solemn duty to maintain. The future Duchess of Albany...

    [Kate catches his eye]

    Leopold: Kate McKay. Of the McKays of...?

    Kate: Massapequa.

    Leopold: Massapequa.

    [to his uncle's confusion, Leopold goes to Kate]

    Kate: I love you.

    Leopold: I love you.

    [They kiss, then begin to dance]

  • Charlie: Victorian dude, who has never seen a Met's game, watching TV. Scene: "I say, are those little people in that box of phosphors. Crikey, I believe it is. This game is more beguiling than cricket"