Religion in Indian Movies

Consuelo 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Indian movies have often brought surprises in recent years. It is indeed a country with Bollywood. Compared with domestic movies, Indian movies not only have their own national characteristics (Asan likes dancing is not a day or two), but also the selected themes. Very profound, such as the education issue in "Starting Line", the gender issue in "Toilet Hero", the religious issue in "My God", including the reflection on human nature and terrorism in "Mumbai Hotel", etc., the film As a cultural carrier with a wide audience, it should not only stay at the entertainment level. Through such a good platform, it can trigger people's thinking about reality and let the society get inspiration from it. This is the value of a good movie. Movies like "I'm Not a Medicine God" have also done it. Going far, back to the topic, I finished watching "Little Lolita's Uncle Monkey God" today and found an interesting phenomenon. As a country with the most "gods" in the world, almost every movie is inseparable from religion. Shadow, this film is no exception. In addition to the conflict between India and Pakistan, the conflict between Islam and India's native religion (without delving into what religion is involved in the film) is also very interesting for the protagonist. In the film, it can be seen that the male protagonist is almost inseparable from "Rama God". It can be said that the whole film was completed in his belief in God, but the interesting thing is that in the process, the male protagonist broke it again and again. The religious etiquette that he adhered to was finally able to successfully send the little loli home. Although the whole film runs through religious beliefs, but after watching it, I am surprised to find that it reflects a broad and inclusive feeling, whether it is for the country or religion.

The setting in the film is also quite meaningful. First of all, the male protagonist's father-in-law (there should be no doubt), as the elder of a traditional Indian family, is a stubborn old antique in religion and caste system. We Chinese can Saying he is "old feudal", from the mockery of the Islamic family next door at the beginning of the film, to the expulsion of the male protagonist and the little loli from the house, I can't help but be surprised that India, a country so tolerant of its own religion, why? He is so hostile to the beliefs of other countries (in fact, it is excusable), but the elders in the mosque that appeared behind changed everyone's extreme impression of Islam. He said that the mosque never locks the door, because everyone is welcome, let everyone I marvel at his tolerance, both doctrinal and human. Of course, the last scene where the father-in-law came to the border still reflects the inclusive feelings the director wanted to express, "Long Live Rama"!

I saw it on TV, so I found the picture in the entry

Ula Ula

In fact, what I want to say is that, as a staunch Marxist, religion seems to be very far away in our country. I don’t know what other people think. At least around me, I always feel that when people mention religion, it will be associated with “extremism”. At the same time, this prejudice may be due to the social background of no religious belief, or it may be due to the PTSD that is always advocated against cults and terrorism, but I always feel that existence is reasonable, and we must learn to accept different cultures. The conflict between religions can be seen in the film. The most intense is the different red tapes of different sects. It is necessary to distinguish because it is necessary to distinguish. This is the characteristic of religion, and it is sometimes criticized by religion. It is true that religion has always been used as a political tool, and even its appearance is ultimately to strengthen thought control. From this perspective, it seems inhumane, but the teachings of religions themselves are teaching people how to be better. Facing the world well, how to live a better life, it can give people the hope of survival, firm belief, and the bottom line to stick to. I have been to Thailand for a visit. The locals said that because the whole people believe in Buddhism, there will be no counterfeit currency problem in Thailand. Although the authenticity needs to be verified, it can be explained that religion can be above the law and under the morality, giving people a spontaneous bondage , so as to form a sense of rules, which I always think is lacking in contemporary domestic society, especially for businessmen and hollow businessmen, there is no bottom line without belief, and their belief is only RMB, so they can always see the difference between morality and law. The black-hearted businessman who has nowhere to go is unscrupulously accumulating money. When society is guided by money and people are blinded by material things, how can they expect a healthy and harmonious society? I often feel scared because of this kind of thinking, and click until now. Finally, I want to say that although I have no religious beliefs, I always feel that it is not wrong to have an inclusive heart, respect religious beliefs, respect different cultures, and be harmonious and different.

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