Only those with big breasts, long legs and hips can give points

Osbaldo 2022-04-19 09:02:09

I have watched the first part of "The Mechanic" for a long time, so even though the ratings of "Resurrection" are average, I still hope to gain some new things about Jason with goodwill. It's a pity that "Resurrection" continues to have blood volume locked, automatic aiming, one-life customs clearance mode, pig's feet are high from beginning to end, and the villain's IQ bug is piled up. Except for the idea of ​​swimming pool assassination, others are too so so. Is Jason himself satisfied with such a set of characters and plots, one after another similar dramas, selling meat and playing hard, watching it happily, and it's gone after it's finished. It's not time for you to eat the same money as the other old guns of "The Expendables"! One star for Jessica Alba's big breasts and beautiful legs, and one star for Jason Statham's big breasts and beautiful legs and buttocks.

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Extended Reading

Mechanic: Resurrection quotes

  • Arthur Bishop: Tell your principal it never pays to fuck with the dead.

  • Arthur Bishop: [after killing Krill] Let the man pray.