For memory

Antwon 2022-04-20 09:01:58

Excerpt from the end of the video:
It shows us
the kindness of humanity that we have almost forgotten
People take care
of each other for no other reason
just because it is right
for us to talk about remembering those kind things
It's very important
because I saw a lot of good people that day.

2749 people were killed in the World Trade Center.
They were from 87 different countries
, 343 were New York City firefighters,
84 were airport and port workers
, 37 were police officers
, and 23 were New York City police.
Only 20 people were rescued and survived

Willy, 8 surgeries in 13 days
John, 27 surgeries before and after, 6 weeks of anesthesia

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Extended Reading

World Trade Center quotes

  • Donna McLoughlin: You can't leave yet, the kitchen isn't even finished yet.

    John McLoughlin: Will you forget about the kitchen for a minute. I'm kinda stuck here.

    Donna McLoughlin: Well get unstuck John.

  • John McLoughlin: We prepared for everything. Not for this. Not for something this size. There's no plan.