World Trade Center

Hollie 2022-04-20 09:01:58

Director: Oliver Stone

On September 11, 2001, the temperature in New York City was so hot Work as usual.

Inspector John McLachlin, a respected veteran of the New York City Port Police Department, and his colleagues got up early in the morning for an hour-and-a-half walk on foot. The day was no different to them, but It was an earth-shattering day. A group of Port Police officers rushed to the World Trade Center in midtown Manhattan.

The five-person team, including John McLachlin and Wil Gimano, desperately entered the World Trade Center to save lives, and were also trapped in the rubble when the twin towers collapsed. Miraculously, McLachlin and Guimano were not crushed to death, but they were trapped 20 feet under a pile of concrete and rubble.

Although they couldn't see each other, they heard each other alive, and for the next 12 hours, they cheered each other up to keep each other alive. They talked about their families, their lives in policing, and their hopes and disappointments in life.

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World Trade Center quotes

  • Donna McLoughlin: You can't leave yet, the kitchen isn't even finished yet.

    John McLoughlin: Will you forget about the kitchen for a minute. I'm kinda stuck here.

    Donna McLoughlin: Well get unstuck John.

  • John McLoughlin: We prepared for everything. Not for this. Not for something this size. There's no plan.