Inspired by Skins S01E05 Sid

Laverne 2022-12-27 14:11:08

What's wrong with this world?
A pair of skins can make people dream about.
Open the skylight, but no sunlight.
And her smile had already flown to his side.
Adults are struggling with their world,
but they teach us to think.
I just want to laugh, I just want to laugh.

You are just a layer of skin wrapped around a skeleton,
why can't I get rid of your existence,
except for the heartbeat, it is your frown and smile.
He is your skin and keeps you firmly sealed.
What can I do to break his seal and free you?
Oh, skins, skins,
God made man, why are some carves and others in a hurry?
The mud body fell to the ground, shattered, more than my heart.

You are in the game world, but you play me with applause.
All I really want to do is kiss your skin.
Release his bondage little by little until you open your heart. I want to know what shape your soul is
under the mask of tears . After that, please leave our skins behind and meet another heaven with bone and blood, spirit and flesh. ——Remember Skins S01E05 Sid in the early morning

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Skins quotes

  • Emily: [behind her closed door, after Naomi knocked] I'm not going to open the door. My face is all puffy. I cried a bit.

    Naomi: I don't care.

    [sits down on the front porch, Emily sits down, too]

    Naomi: I do want someone. I need someone.


    Naomi: You're it.

    Emily: [teary] And?

    Naomi: [crying] And... when I'm with you, I feel like a better person. And I feel happier, less alone... less lonely

    [Emily sticks her hand out of the catflap to hold Naomi's hand]

    Naomi: It's not as simple as that, is it? Being with someone?

    Emily: Isn't it?

    Naomi: No. I'm mean I don't know. At least, I don't think so.


    Naomi: Emily?

    [beat, then sobbing]

    Naomi: Can't we just sit like this for a bit?

    Emily: [beat] Yeah, we can... for a bit.

  • Naomi: I think I'm going away for this summer.

    Emily: Oh.

    Naomi: Spain, Cyprus, perhaps. By myself. Spend some time by myself, you know, do some thinking by myself.

    [clears throat]

    Emily: About what?

    Naomi: Let's just be friends, okay?

    Emily: We say that, don't we?

    Naomi: [beat] Yeah, have a good summer.

    [starts to walk off]

    Emily: [beat] I'll miss you

    Naomi: [stops, a beat, then turns around and kisses Emily]


    Naomi: I can't stand it. I can't


    Naomi: .

    Emily: It's okay


    Emily: It's okay


    Naomi: Jesus!
