Two Tigers Slaying the Dragon

Elisha 2021-12-30 17:21:45

Ransom, a weak and stubborn lawyer and scholar, created the original West. With the help of the first cowboy Tom, he finally killed the villain Liberty. Ransom successfully sat on the council and embraced the beauty. Tom died alone. The western master John Ford’s The film reveals the resentment and helpless worries about going to the west, uninhibited personal heroism is receding under the national legal framework, and modern values ​​are reconstructing the spirit of the west. Although there is helplessness, it still cannot stop the progress of history.

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Extended Reading
  • Arnold 2022-04-23 07:02:33

    Regarding film production, the works that make a fuss on the credits are just a drop in the ocean, especially in Hollywood, which has a heavy smell of copper. In addition to the genius editing of "Producer" in 1968, the film's epitaph-like design is even more impressive. The pessimism that dominates the film is also in line with what is widely considered to be Ford's elegy for the frontier mythology. |With regard to symbolic interpretation, with the advent of the new era of industrialization, Ransom, the modern intellectual from east to west, and John Wayne, who is the most representative of the western screen image, can refer to the behavior of the film. something, a traditional and conservative film guru Ford's acquiescence to the retirement of Westerns. |Revisiting the old story of drama and irony, justice and ideals hit a wall everywhere, Tom the Dragon who gave up his beloved woman and his marriage room, and the Ransom couple who bear the truth at the end. By inverting the classic images of past success, Ford-style Western valor dissipated in the corruption brought about by railroads and Washington political power, are the images that bring the environment back into balance or the heroes of the audience?

  • Jessika 2021-12-30 17:21:45

    Barely two points. Lawyer Stewart went to the countryside to deliver the law. The main opponents were the trio of gangsters who disrupted public order and the neighboring town forces behind them. At the same time, the local residents & his love rival Wayne drew their swords to help. Stewart is more straightforward and stiff to popularize the basic beliefs of American democracy in the wild west. He is more preaching and lacks interest. The technical link can be described as a mess: there are many indoor scenes with too bright lighting, and the environment lacking depth of field and layering is seemingly rudimentary (the night scene of a small town is also like a studio), and there is no sense of cinema. The narrative is slow. In the scene of the back kitchen, Stewart and others verbally shake out the plot of the literacy class and the symbolic intention of the cactus flower, which is very boring, not to mention, who can see St. Where is the budding love between Ert and the heroine? The newspaper owner and others also had some senseless clown performances. The trio of gangsters strolled around killing people and making troubles. All the residents squinted their eyebrows again and again but had nothing to do. Even though Western Mythology has its own operating rules, the compilation of this film has no credibility. After Wien saved his love rivals, he went everywhere and set himself on fire, which was ridiculous.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance quotes

  • Tom Doniphon: I know those law books mean a lot to you, but not out here. Out here a man settles his own problems.

  • Tom Doniphon: You talk too much, think too much. Besides, YOU didn't kill Liberty Valance.