May you and your mobile phone be messed up forever!

Meagan 2022-01-04 08:02:25

I always think that chats on WeChat or QQ are hypocritical. When we can’t know the expression and background, we only get information through text, guessing the other party’s intentions, going back and forth. It’s not as refreshing to make a phone call. , Your hesitation or high-pitched tone makes people start the next psychological preparation. It can be said that it is a need for a sense of security. Therefore, I am mostly indifferent to this kind of chat software and refuse to say anything more.

The ambiguity of information is only the most superficial danger, followed by deception and huge hypocrisy. You just finished sweating profusely with A, and you took out your phone and started lingering with B. It is also possible that during the seven-year itch, you remembered him and him in the past, so you live a normal life in peace, re-dressing on your phone, playing coquettishly, and all-powerful.

Of course, the above-mentioned nonsense is what I thought of after watching "The Perfect Stranger". The shock of this movie is not that it makes me lament the darkness of human nature or the greatness of personality, but that it is close to the falseness of the naked existence in life. I love this title. We are familiar with this sleeping snorer or other quirks beside him, but we don't know how many secrets are hidden in his heart. These secrets are dark and even dirty. Of course, in modern times, it is the mobile phone that carries all of this.

The story takes place on the night of a total lunar eclipse, so there is an interpretation of the parallel space at the end. Of course, please don’t swear to the moon in the future, because the moon changes every day. Yes, in the interpretation of the Eastern imagery, the moon is lacking and round, yes Impermanence, at this moment, the love lives of the three and a half couples are also changeable, full of deceit and false affection.

Three and a half couples came to dinner and had a good time. Of course, people who had no fun played a game and shared information on their mobile phones, and the happy party began to collapse across the board. It felt like dropping a bomb in a fish pond. After the loud noise, the fish rolled over and died with a white belly. Among the seven people, those who cheated on the rails, were afflicted all over the place, and also engaged in a friend’s wife. In the past ten years, all kinds of conflicts between husband and wife have been exposed. You molested your little girl, and I came to engage in my online dating. A gay and homophobic.

It comes with gossip in the heart of the movie. Before dinner, various signs have appeared. The husband who pretends to go to the bathroom and actually read the news, the wife who pretends to take the mobile phone and actually takes off the underwear... The mobile phone has become an excuse, and has become a sinful partner. The scary thing is that there are the most unbearable us in the mobile phone, sultry and sultry, the entanglement of red roses and white roses, all kinds of things, we put on our clothes, face others with love, and give the phone the darkest.

I love the striped girl in the play. After everything was unbearable, she tied up her hair, put on lipstick, then kissed others passionately, and walked towards a new life. I strongly disagree with the new ending that takes place in parallel time and space. The mobile game on the table has never happened. As always, you hide it from me. Maybe this is the truth of life. We have been living like this. But just like the attitude I love that girl, love is love, pleased and enmity, nothing more.

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Perfect Strangers quotes

  • Peppe: I want to be the meaning of my own life.

  • Rocco: Not to turn every argument into a fight for supremacy. I don't believe it's weak to be the one to give in. In fact, I think it's wise. The only couples I see who last are those where one of the two manages to take a step back, but is really a step ahead.