Great movie - criticize and correct human wrongs

Sunny 2022-04-19 09:02:25

Morality is the framework of human social structure. The morally corrupt behavior of the last 2.1 million people in the film-destroying nature, violence, murder, distortion, greed and selfishness, and materialistic desires--is the last straw for human beings to end, robots Complete disappointment with human beings, thus opening a new era of civilization inheritance. Human beings in the form of life, no matter what restraint means, can not prevent the evolution of civilization.
Of course, if human beings correct their own mistakes and a new social form with a balanced system emerges, the evolutionary process of civilization can continue, and human beings can still be established on the earth.
The current problems, the earth's population is growing exponentially, the earth is already overwhelmed, and the destruction of nature will turn against human beings: the earth's temperature rises, the sea level rises, the number of tsunamis increases, the ozone hole over the Antarctic, the harm of underground garbage, really not I hope that when the climate is irreversible, human beings will start to wake up...
let's correct their mistakes as soon as possible.

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Extended Reading
  • Clementine 2021-12-25 08:01:41

    I have a lot of ideas, but the execution is a bit weak. The main reason is that the plot is too weak, the attitude and plot are confused and unclear, I can't let go of my hands and feet, I am entangled in a pile of cliché, and have such a boring ending. But I like it with the pale white tone of the ruined city in the last days, and the soundtrack with a sense of religion is very desperate.

  • Luisa 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    Surprisingly like it. I didn't expect a big scene, the future world is well shaped, the mechanical girl is cute and cute

Automata quotes

  • Jacq Vaucan: Funny, you were supposed to help us survive.

    Blue Robot: Surviving is not relevant. Living is. We want to live.

  • Cleo: Now I know why the rain changed.

    Jacq Vaucan: Why?

    Cleo: I don't think you could understand.