Be free from fear

Jules 2022-04-23 07:03:10

The most stubborn "masters" say that people still end up going to temples because they are afraid of gods. I think there are three types of fear. First, people are afraid of unexplainable things, such as various unexpected natural and man-made disasters. Second, people who do bad things, out of guilt and anxiety, will also be afraid. Third, out of desire, praying to God for a certain benefit, and fearing that you will not receive a certain benefit, is also a kind of fear.

The people in this movie never seem to have their own opinions. They are so easily taken away by opinion leaders. Even if the male protagonist wins the fight in the end, people listen to his opinions and destroy the idols. This seems to be meaningless. . That kind of action is only temporary and superficial. If the last gust of wind is stronger, maybe people will say, ah, it is the power of God, it is God who is punishing us, we should not destroy the idol!

The wisdom of the masses cannot be enlightened so easily, otherwise there would not be so many collectively stupid incidents in history. The public is made up of individuals. If each of us could be more rational and objective, upright, and critical in thinking, we would not be so easily led by others by the nose.

This film is not just about belief in God, it can also enlighten us about the various authorities in our lives. As a child, your authority may be your parents; as a student, your authority may be your teacher; as a citizen, your authority may be various media celebrities; as a modern person, your authority may also have various kinds of authority left by the ancients. Tradition...the things that are high up seem really that powerful? Can personal values ​​and beliefs break through the sky above?

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Extended Reading
  • Jessie 2022-03-30 09:01:05

    Religious themes can also be shot like this! Very nice story - especially, with only two dances!

  • Cindy 2021-12-28 08:01:28

    Buddha sitting in his heart

OMG: Oh My God! quotes

  • [Krishna now legally owns Kanji's house]

    Kanji Lalji Mehta: What is this? How could he sell my house? I was about to pay him.

    Krishna Vasudev Yadav: But I've already paid him.

    Kanji Lalji Mehta: It's not possible! This is MY house!

    Krishna Vasudev Yadav: Relax. Chill, chill. When you get the "act of God" money, to the God you can pay back and I'll go from here. By the way, I'll leave as soon as my project is over.

  • CEO: For God's sake, prove that God exists! And-and-and make God pay everything!