Maybe a once in a lifetime foreshadowing

Georgianna 2022-04-19 09:02:36

As everyone watched the latest episode of GOT, the meme of hodor spread among fans at an explosive speed.

I personally came into contact with the Song of Ice and Fire in 2008. For me, the name hodor has been quietly put there for eight years. year.
The name of this one-line character exploded at midnight on a quiet summer day.
I was completely blown away by the artistic effect.

First of all, I would like to thank Ma Ye for laying this foreshadowing and hiding it for 20 years (the first volume of Binghuo’s novel was published in 1996) with his incomparable patience and incomparable conceit
. published in the novel. Because the novel is limited by the speed of acquisition, reading speed, and language barriers, such explosive stalks will definitely be spoiled. Thanks to the format of the TV series, I was able to feel the deep malice from Ma Ye before I was spoiled.
Finally, I would like to thank the director, screenwriter and actors for their amazing interpretation of this fateful tragedy.

I hope that I will never encounter such a burial in my life. 20 years of foreshadowing,
there are several 20 years in my life
, please finish writing the novel and then die

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The Red Woman quotes

  • Alliser Thorne: [during a meeting discussing Jon Snow's assassination] You all know why you're here. Jon Snow is dead.

    Night's Watchman: Who killed him?

    Alliser Thorne: I did! And Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck and the officers in this Castle

    Night's Watchman: Murderers! Traitors!

    Alliser Thorne: ALRIGHT! We've committed treason, all of us! Jon Snow was my Lord Commander. I had no love for him. That was no secret. But I never once disobeyed an order. Loyalty is the foundation on which the Night's Watch is built. And the Watch means everything to me. I have given my life, we have all given our lives to the Night's Watch. Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. He let the Wildlings through our gates as no Lord Commander has ever done before. He gave them the very land on which they reaved and raped and murdered. Lord Commander Snow did what he thought was right, I've no doubt about that. And what he thought was right would have been the end of us. He thrust a terrible choice upon us and we made it.

  • Trystane Martell: I told you, I'm not hungry.

    Obara Sand: We're not here to feed you. We're here to kill you.

    Nymeria Sand: You want her to do it or me?

    Trystane Martell: We are family. I don't want to hurt you.

    Nymeria Sand: Her... or me?

    Trystane Martell: [draws his sword] You.

    Nymeria Sand: Good.

    Obara Sand: Smart boy.

    [Trystane squares off with Nymeria, preparing to fight... .but is suddenly speared through the back of head by Obara and drops to the floor, dead]

    Nymeria Sand: [indignant] You're a greedy bitch, you know that?