death Note

Jillian 2021-12-15 08:01:17

Basically, nothing to tell. I don’t know if there are original works, but at the beginning of the movie, I have basically guessed the direction afterwards. When the male protagonist killed the first person under the instigation of a demon (let’s call it a devil), he understood that he was seeking skin with a tiger; when his girlfriend appeared, he realized that to a certain extent, she was more in line with the male protagonist. The request of the devil can become the master of the notes. Facts have proved that it is true. And after a series of things, the male protagonist either completely degenerates and becomes an existence like a demon, or he eats the evil consequences of himself, and also becomes a dead soul under the action of the note, and the final outcome is biased towards the latter.

The male protagonist initially believed that he was the righteous party and used the notebook area to kill the wicked. I was wondering if there should be such a kind of person who can override everyone and judge the life and death of others. If you ask like this, you I would definitely feel that it shouldn't exist, but what if he killed the wicked? Just like the male protagonist, he obviously thinks he is right, but when people have a powerful force that he is not familiar with, can he always stay awake, and can he always stick to justice and the bottom line? After all, he is also a human being, and people will always make mistakes. If one day he makes a wrong judgment and kills innocent people, can his decision be right? If he still believes that he is right, everything will be completely wrong, and everything will be transformed into another extreme evil.

What is justice? What is evil? What is good and what is bad? Who determines the standard? There is no answer to all this, but I still feel that no one can control the life and death of others, so the role of the law is obvious. Indeed, just like in the movie, the law cannot save all fairness and justice, and indeed some wicked people cannot be judged by the law. To a certain extent, perhaps such a superhero and savior are really needed, but this superhero cannot be a person, because people are subjective and are extremely easily affected by personal consciousness, misled by external information, personal preferences and preferences Once he becomes the leader of his actions, he will turn from a savior to a saboteur while possessing great power. Just like the male protagonist was unwilling to easily find the target from the Internet at first, because this information has too much uncertainty and subjectivity, and it is not of reference value. However, these feelings all come from the dark ones, but when I watched this film, I suddenly thought that it felt that it and the dark ones convey the same theme, but the way of expression is different.

The beginning of the movie creates an atmosphere of suspense and horror, which is pretty attractive, but the more you look at the back, the more boring you feel. In the second half of the film, I feel that the plot is getting more and more chaotic and incomprehensible. Especially at the end of the movie, the male protagonist did not catch his girlfriend, and the scene when she fell from the Ferris wheel instantly made me jump from a horror movie to a romance movie, which was extremely acting.

Overall, after watching this movie, I really feel that I wasted two hours of time. . .

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Extended Reading
  • Laurianne 2021-12-15 08:01:17

    Sure enough, it was the old beauty. Anti-social personality is broken into a hidden danger of the original family, Yue is so stupid, to be taught by death, will be seduced by beauty and obediently confess the secret to dn? When L appeared on the scene, the picture was completely collapsed, and the Japanese アクセント was taken to feed the dog. The rubbish R-rated film, and I am cute and cute!

  • Carmine 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    I haven't seen the original version, but after reading it, I found it to be unexpectedly good-looking. I like the reversals one by one. The male protagonist dropped a notebook from the sky and read the description and wrote a name and the way of death. Later, he was bullied by blue balls and cans and crashed on the street, and then rammed the ladder above him to his head violently. It was bloody and Grim Reaper came tires the same. Later, the murderer who indirectly killed his mother was beaten to death, and the kidnapper was beaten to death. He turned his girlfriend into a Justice League and solved 400 people in a short time. The citizens liked it, but JC sent a second black to investigate. Appearance and name can't let him die, and he was quickly investigated. At this time, fbi jumped off the building collectively. It was not what he did, but his girlfriend coronas one and wrote down his name and asked him to write other people's names. The cause of death was written in his name, and Erhei Zhuli was asked to go to the hospital to find his name. He was later killed. Erhei went to shoot him but was knocked unconscious. When he went to find his girlfriend, he wrote his girlfriend's name and fell down together. But the male protagonist didn't die. Before, he sent a doctor and asked people to pick up notes in the water. The page of his name was burned, and he also asked one person to write the name of the crime to escape the crime.

Death Note quotes

  • Ryuk: [sees James Turner challenge Kira] Now I'm rooting for the guy!

  • Light Turner: I decide who dies, you do what I tell you. Those are the rules.

    Ryuk: And who makes the rules?

    Light Turner: Whose side are you on?

    Ryuk: There are no sides, only the game!