Best friend, you can guess your intentions in one sentence

Janick 2022-11-03 03:28:43

1. In the

space world, there will be many unthinkable bizarre events, and it is commonplace to be copied.

In the 7th episode of the first season of the "Original Series", the nurse did not realize that it was a copy of the robot Kirk who was eating with her.

But Spock is so powerful. As soon as the fake Kirk speaks, he can tell the difference and take necessary measures immediately.

Also in the 17th episode, Spock got the subtext of Kirk "I hate you, you pointy-eared bastard, I hope you get off my boat.", and immediately organized an armed squad to rescue Kirk.

In episode 5, Kirk was divided into two because the conveyor failed.

The sympathetic and friendly character constitutes a positive Kirk, and the manic, strong commanding ability, and only considers himself and does not consider others, constitutes a negative Kirk.

The staff in the transmission room, the security department, and even the clerks who secretly interacted with Kirk could not detect Kirk's abnormality, but thought that he might be out of control for a while.

Although Dr. McCoy, another good friend of Kirk, was skeptical, he also hoped that Spock would confirm after investigating.

This shows that in McCoy's eyes, Spock is the person who can make the most correct judgment.

Sure enough, the moment Spock saw the positive Kirk, he was sure that this Kirk was fine.

But with the seriousness of the situation, he first proposed that there were Kirk counterfeiters on the ship, and at the same time, he was also the first person to find that Kirk's decision-making ability was getting weaker and weaker.


The tacit understanding between good friends is mutual, and Kirk has a deep understanding of Spock.

When Spock knocked on Kirk's door and looked at Kirk suspiciously, Kirk knew his expression, which must indicate that something happened.

In episode 24, when all the crew members are trapped in the illusion of a good life, the first helper Kirk thinks of is Spock.

He used Spock's particularly taboo words such as "hybrid" and "your mother is a slave to Dad" to stimulate him, and successfully made him angry and defeated the phantom.


Together they have overcome crises again and again and completed missions again and again.

In episode 25, Spock didn't want to kill the silicon-based life, because it is likely to be the last of the race.

But when he saw Kirk confronting it, worried about Kirk's safety, he suggested that Kirk kill it directly.

When Kirk changed his mind and wanted to live in peace with it, Spock took a great risk to telepathize with it again, allowing the two parties to successfully communicate.

In the 28th episode, McCoy accidentally broke into the gate of time and space and changed human history. It was also Kirk and Spock who joined forces to enter the time tunnel to stop McCoy.


good friends will make each other perfect.

For example, in episodes 11-12 of the first season, Spock planned to send Admiral Parker to Talos on his own. The reason he was hiding from Kirk was that he did not want to involve him in the military court.

In the first episode of season 2, Spock is in estrus and must return to his home planet to marry his wife. Kirk defied the military order for him and forced the Enterprise to fly to Vulcan.

Kirk and Spock, the captain and chief mate, are not only the best work partners, but also one of the best life partners. Together, their tacit relationship has created the legend of Enterprising.

This may explain why, for example, tandem skating and tandem swimmers are mostly couples, brothers and sisters or close friends.

What about you, do you have any good friends, can the tacit understanding surpass that of Kirk and Spock?

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Extended Reading

Star Trek: The Original Series quotes

  • Dr. McCoy: I'm a doctor, not an engineer.

  • Dr. McCoy: The next thing you'll know, I'll be talking to myself.