a little humble opinion

Remington 2022-04-21 09:03:04

First quote Mr. Lu Xun


Being a slave, though unfortunate, is not terrible,

Because I know struggling, after all, there is still hope of breaking free;

If beauty is found in slave life,

Admiration, intoxication, is a slave that can never be recovered


From a personal point of view, you can choose not to do a job if you don’t like it. The company and the individual are a two-way choice; from the company’s point of view, dismissing employees who join a union is an obvious Chinese approach to solving problems instead of solving problems. .

It is convincing that the company responds to doubts with facts, and squeezing employees will only make the company’s road narrower.

In today's era when the domestic Internet company 996 is prevalent, I always choose to go to foreign companies, because they pay attention to getting off work on time and do not engage in so many formalistic routines.

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Extended Reading

American Factory quotes

  • Himself - Fuyao Safety Director: Everybody at every level will say that we really, really want to be safe. But safety doesn't pay the bills.