Another youth is over

Marcella 2022-12-26 18:33:12

The end of another youth series.

It all started with the first song that became a must-have cup song for every winter and summer camp performance. It started with recruiting new campus clubs, campus radio, campus love, and youth.

The plot of the third part is a bit of a joke. The appearance of several teams abruptly gathers the pk element that runs through the three parts. As for the kidnapping, it is just to make fun of it, but the laughter is still a lot of funny. For example, "Obesity" wears the ridicule of the make America eat again hat, and she fights the heroes and nipple cripple, the kitchen section is really laughed to the street [I laugh it is so strange.

The third part actually tells the truth, the music elements are really very few and very few, even if DJ Kahled is brought in, it is not very useful! So every singing passage seems a bit awkward, especially the one on the way to being kidnapped. Wow...

Finally, there is one more point. The original intention of the crew is very good. In order to show the behind-the-scenes video to witness the experience of the characters in the past few years, it also suddenly added 7 years of tracking and shooting Bellas to the host? When I watched it in front, I was really confused. It turned out to be a paving for the back... It looks like something that was pushed out, hard to get in. However, after watching so many tidbits and videos, I can only feel emotional. what! ! I hope my friends and I will have a good home in the end, and we can support each other.

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Pitch Perfect 3 quotes

  • Chloe: Bellas, a toast.

    [the other girls cheer]

    Chloe: To the most amazing group of women I have ever known.

    [they cheer again]

    Chloe: I would do anything to sing with you guys again...

    [on the verge of tears]

    Chloe: Anything! I mean, really, I could just crap myself!

  • Beca: Guys, we've never competed against bands that actually have instruments. So what's the plan?

    Serenity: Aw, you guys just sing other people's songs, right? Like karaoke? That's so cute!

    Calamity: I'm Calamity. This is Serenity, Veracity, and Charity.

    Fat Amy: If I joined your group I could be obesity.