A paranoid story not based on a true story

Camryn 2022-01-08 08:02:03

The film takes Fisher's life frame and describes his increasing paranoia and mental instability, and uses his world championship game with Spassky as the main line of the film. The movie shows a genius with high IQ but mental problems. Although many geniuses are strange, Fischer's story is indeed worthy of our study. Because his emotional and mental problems seriously interfered with his life and career.

Chess-themed movies usually don't have a lot of actions and language, and mostly rely on the actor's facial expressions and body language to express the progress of the story (such as wiping sweat, frowning, etc.). In this way, the general audience can also keep up with the progress of the story. The match between Spassky and Fisher is portrayed to life

The movie took place during the Cold War. When Fisher and Liev Schreiber competed for the world championship, the game evolved into a fight between the Soviet Union and the United States. The director used a chessboard and two people to show the struggle of the US-Soviet Cold War, which intensified the hostile atmosphere in the movie.

Fisher did not understand the struggle of ideology very well. He did some unreasonable and hostile behaviors due to paranoia and mental problems. Such as anti-Semitic remarks, groundless accusations of the Soviet side, and so on. He himself inadvertently became a pawn in the struggle between the Soviet Union and the US imperial power. . As the actor Liev Schreiber, who plays Spassky, said in the comments, chess players must constantly predict the attacks of their opponents. Doing so will cause a person to become paranoid. His problems are all mapped to this kind of paranoia. In my opinion, many things are easily attributed to mental illness. There is no problem in using this logic to make a movie like this. It's just that this kind of movie might be similar to Fisher. There are many discrepancies in the true story of

This is not a biographical movie. Personally, I think it should be viewed as a story, not as a comparison with history. For example, in the selection of Fischer, the reality is that Fisher is tall and thin, pale and haggard, and speaks like a person with a strong Brooklyn accent without much education. The film selection of Tobey Maguire has the opposite characteristics. The short and fat man is indeed not suitable for playing Fisher. He did not capture the iconic characteristics of Fisher. In the movie, in order to strengthen the negative image of the opponent, Spassky was blackened. This is really inappropriate. On the one hand, it does not match the facts (Spassky is definitely a gentleman in real life). Pasky is still alive and old, this kind of blackening of a living person's reputation is not the original intention of the film.

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Extended Reading
  • Malvina 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    The spiritual world of a victim of paranoia.

  • Kevon 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    I am not very proficient in chess, but to play chess, you must be focused, calm, and have a very high memory and analytical ability. After watching the movie, I feel that genius is so painful, so painful to win, and so painful to win fate. So I know that as long as you don't want to win, and give up a desire, you will truly win!

Pawn Sacrifice quotes

  • Man chatting with Donna at 1:36:14: Spassky took his bishop!

    Donna: I took his virginity.

  • Bobby Fischer: [practicing chess with his coach who is a Catholic priest] I passed up having sex for this.

    Father Bill Lombardy: Passed it up for twenty years.