I have always used the worst malice to speculate on human nature

Ryleigh 2022-08-04 12:54:09

When chasing a drama, you may ask yourself repeatedly, who is the real culprit behind the scenes? Is it really 15-year-old Jacob? If not, the shadow of being suspected will accompany you for a lifetime.

A corpse was found in the suburban forest. It was a 15-year-old boy from a nearby school. For a while, public opinion was boiling, and all nearby residents were in danger. Whose family didn't have a child?

Fortunately, it's not their own children. How many parents think so? It seems to be human nature. The security community is suddenly insecure, and the police and the local police are under great pressure. Where is the murderer?

As a local inspector, Andy, the protagonist, is duty-bound to go all out with the police. Just as he locked the suspect, the plot turned around, and the number one suspect unexpectedly emerged.

The suspect is called Jacob, his son, and the only son so far. The only suspect is that the victim’s coat has Jacob’s fingerprints.

But considering that they are classmates, they don't see when they look up, and the fingerprints on their clothes don't mean much. But the ground checker listened to the wind as the rain, and finally made the city full of wind and rain.

First kicked out Andy who was investigating the case, and then moved the search warrant into Andy's home to search. No matter the three or seven twenty-one, first take the suspect back to the police station.

The whole process was completed in one go, with extremely high efficiency, and fully met the public opinion's need for justice to never be absent. The key point is that Andy's family is still intact. He also checked out himself and knew the procedures well.

It is precisely this kind of procedural justice that makes Andy's family fall into the whirlpool of public opinion, and it is difficult to extricate themselves from it. The legal trial has not yet reached a conclusion, and the moral trial has been concluded.

The vast majority of people in the play are just mobs, following up with public opinion storms and not saying anything, what's in your heart? Jacob's classmates and friends were the first to stand up and attack him on social media.

He hides a knife, he is the murderer, everyone thinks so. How can a knife be connected to a murderer? I have to admire this classmate's erratic imagination.

How does he speak for everyone alone? Where is the confidence and power? I personally think that being stupid is not terrible, but that stupidity can be contagious.

Campus bullying to the extreme, often has nothing to do with the body, but has nothing to do with the heart. On weekdays, I will call you brothers and sisters, go to the canteen between classes, and smear you on social media when I look back.

Who can't see the malicious written on the face, it's a high rank if it's buried in the heart, so you can't defend it. The murder weapon is a knife, and Jacob also has a knife, but there is no necessary connection between the two.

In short, this cannot be regarded as absolute evidence. Just like you can't ask a group of minors to look at the problem rationally and objectively. This is unrealistic.

So should the local police and the police as adults look at Jacob rationally and objectively? Unfortunately, they still failed to do so.

In the play, the landlord used a search warrant as a siege hammer to blast open the security door of Andy's family. Regardless of whether the evidence can be found, the search itself is powerful enough. The community is so big, everyone is acquaintance, at least the Andy family knows the basic information.

Passerby: Hey, do you see it? The police had been to Andy's house and heard that his son was the murderer.

Passerby: Right, right, how about the police arresting the wrong person? I realized that the kid had a problem early on, knowing others, knowing his face, and not knowing his heart.

Passerby C: Wow, it's terrible. I have to stay away from their family in the future. With my son, how can parents be better?

Isn't there just one person thinking this way? With the fermentation and dissemination of public opinion, everybody knows it.

Jacob is isolated on campus, Andy and his wife are isolated in the workplace, and the family is isolated in society. Obviously there is insufficient evidence, but the local prosecutor vowed to say that we suspect that the murderer was Jacob.

More terrifying than legal trials are endless moral trials. The local prosecutors and the police seemed to be under pressure and eager to solve the case, not hesitating to catch the wind.

If the evidence is conclusive, we naturally have nothing to say. The problem is that the evidence itself is not tenable. The so-called procedural justice in the implementation process, there is no temperature at all, there is a suspicion of deviation.

Not wronging a good person or letting go of a bad person is the spirit of the law. In the actual operation of the play, there is obviously a tendency to treat good people as bad people. I can't help thinking, if Andy is not well versed in the law, will Jacob be beaten into a trick?

Just thinking about it makes me feel horrible, that is the horror that goes deep into the soul. The enemy of mankind has never been nature, but mankind himself. Therefore, I have always used the worst malice to speculate on human nature.

The process of proving Jacob's guilt is like a vigorous god-making movement. We believe in you not because you are God, but we need God to create you.

The same logic, not because you are a murderer to arrest you, but a murderer to create you. There is no actual evidence, just start from Jacob's childhood to see if this kid has a tendency to violence.

Not only Jacob, but also his grandfather. Andy's father, Jacob's grandfather, has long been in jail because of the murder of the girl.

Can the genetic gene of violence be used as evidence? Obviously not. However, the reporter wrote a few articles with no meaning, and the public opinion heated up a few more times. Do you think everyone would believe it?

Passerby: Sure enough, look. Grandpa is a murderer. What kind of bird can this family be?

Passerby: I originally said that eight or nine do not leave ten, but now it seems that there is no eight and no nine, and I can't run away.

Passerby C: What does the police do? Quickly catch it, we want justice.

As for the truth itself, will anyone care? Who care?

The real murderer hides nearby, admiring the self-righteous people, just like looking at a lamb being slaughtered. Even if he is caught in the future, Jacob will not be able to go back to the past.

From the moment the innocent entered the police station, youth was blown away by the rain and wind and disappeared. For a teenager who has not yet formed the Three Views, can he still believe in truth, goodness and beauty?

Regarding Jacob’s spiritual reconstruction, it may take a lifetime. Parents can help him resist the visible malice, what about the invisible malice?

The malice on the door can be washed away, but how should the malice on the door of the heart be washed away?

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