Sunshine 90210

Arvilla 2022-01-08 08:01:22

It's not that there is a problem with my taste. It's that Gossip Girl is getting boring recently. Chuck and Big Bang Theory only watch one episode a week, so I don't like it, so they started chasing 90210. Just a few thoughts.
1. Annie is really good-looking. Her two eyes are like slanted triangles, her skin is still very dark, and she smiles like a witch. Naomi is also very problematic, and her nostrils seem to be dilating all the time. Silver looks pleasing to the eye (looks really like Megan Fox!), Adrianna is so beautiful~~

2. The male protagonists look pretty good, Ethan, Dixon, Ty, Ryan and so on.

3. Why is Ryan chasing Kelly today, tomorrow with the undercover police, and the day after tomorrow with the fat woman with asymmetrical black hair.

4. The plot is quite interesting, unlike Gossip Girl and Privileged, it is too boring.

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Extended Reading
  • Jerad 2022-03-23 09:02:37

    By the way, the male No. 1 in the second season got stuck in NC again.

  • Brandy 2022-04-23 07:03:24

    Originally intended to give five stars, but deducted two stars after reading S01E24. The meaning is too obvious, it is to let everyone continue to watch the second season while swearing. Fuck it.