About the grudge

Lew 2022-01-06 08:01:48

My impression is that this movie was the hottest when I was in the second grade of junior high. At that time, I was always buying books in a bookstore, and I bought a novel about The Grudge. The printing was okay. It might be a translated version of Grudge. It introduced the family of Gaya Coconut. And why he was with her husband, and why her husband killed her.

Kayako is the name of a musical instrument. Kayako's parents have been doing business outside for a long time. As there is no concern from relatives, her personality is withdrawn and weird.

When Kayako was in college, she had a crush on her classmate Toshihiko Kobayashi, but due to her lonely character, she never spoke, just stalked him, even hid under his bed overhearing him having sex with his girlfriend.

Then Kayako’s parents died in an accident. She didn't communicate much with her parents, and she was numb at the funeral, but she attracted the attention of her tenant, Takeo Saeki.

Saeki Takeo took possession of him and proposed to her. After the marriage, Kayako had

a child. Because he still had a secret love for Kobayashi Toshihiko in his heart, he named his son and added the character jun.

Soon after Gokoo wanted to have a daughter, he didn't move. Gangxiong went to the hospital for an examination and was told that he was less refined. The chance of being a father was almost zero.

Gangxiong began to suspect that Junxiong was not his biological son. He went home and started looking through the contents of Kayako, only to find Kayakoko's crush on Kobayashi's diary.

Reminiscent of his son's name, Takao is almost certain that Toshio is Kobayashi's son!

So he madly tortured Gayako to death, and finally packed Gayako with a big plastic bag and placed it on the ceiling mezzanine.

Junxiong came back from school and found that the house was messy. So he hid in his room and

wanted to catch Junxiong. Junxiong climbed into Yiyi. The cupboard hid in the ceiling.

Junxiong heard someone calling him, and suddenly found that his mother was wrapped in a plastic bag like a bug and crawling towards him. . . . .

Junxiong did not go to school for a few days, and Xiaolin, who was already his teacher, was going to visit his home, but found that his home was empty, only Junxiong alone was strangely present.

Gangxiong found Xiaolin's house and found that only the pregnant Xiaolin's wife was there. Because he wanted a daughter but didn't wait for jealousy, Gangxiong used a kitchen knife to open Xiaolin's wife's belly and threw the baby to death. Finally, I called

Kobayashi and found that Kayako was his university classmate at Kayako’s home, and found Kayako had a crush on him, and found Kayako’s body in the cupboard

. His wife died because of this incident. Kobayashi’s sad phone call was dropped. On the ground, when he wanted to take Junxiong away, he found that Junxiong was holding his phone and calling his mother. At this time, Xiaolin looked at the stairs and found a worm-like coconut wrapped in a plastic bag and went downstairs. . .

Gangxiong, who had finished killing Xiaolin's wife, was holding it and was about to leave. He felt something strange behind him. He turned around and saw his dead wife Kanako slashing at him with a kitchen knife. . .

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Extended Reading
  • Cleve 2022-01-06 08:01:48

    Multiple narrative lines disrupt the compilation of classic horror works. The horror of this personal film is above the midnight bell. Every time I saw the woman crawling down the stairs with blood on her face, she felt terrible. In fact, the biggest effect of watching a horror movie is not your fear of watching the movie, but the sequelae it brings to you. At that time, I was really afraid that ghosts would go under my bed or that ghosts hanging upside down would appear above my line of sight.

  • Lexie 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    I don't recommend it if it's so scary, @雲bulaji, you are the patron saint of me who watch horror movies! ! !

Ju-on: The Grudge quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Hirohashi: Thanks for the effort.