Live to death, never repent

Clovis 2022-01-08 08:01:19

Hannibal, whose facial features were blurred, lost his deterrence and was almost ridiculously weak. One night, he dreamed of death, and since then he made up his mind to change his unconventional life. But later, we all knew that he was too late and it was too late to change.

In Kurosawa Akira's "Desire of Life", the old civil servant played by Shimura Joe learned that he was about to die of cancer. After a desperate struggle, he made up his mind to build a community park with his last life. His wish is so plain, and only because of his birth, he is helpless and humble for mortals. Even more psychedelic is the Bucket List directed by Rob Reiner. The rich and powerful help auto mechanics realize their long-cherished dreams, which is imaginative and fascinating.

Wish is not difficult to realize, but life is difficult to change. The world is full of self-deception quotations. From the invisible network to the tangible social circle, what controls us is a powerful and terrifying mysterious force. This power is not commonly known as fate, but the jail of our time. Our wandering and fragile hearts will be torn apart and destroyed by the world around us at any time. People are always more incompetent than people think.

Seeing a bosom friend style like "5 Things Last Regret of the Dying Patient", I always feel that it is a lengthy sneer. Even if you are about to die, you can't penetrate your life in an instant, and even if you penetrate your life, you won't have the chance to change in the end. Even if these texts empowered the living, few of them will do it in a few days.

The words of others cannot guide us, only the insights gained from day to night to guide us. When you make up your mind to change, it’s not because of someone’s words or a book you accidentally read. It’s because of your unbearable self and this crude life. More importantly, you understand that there will be One day you will discard everything in this world, only the journey of more than ten thousand days will make you feel the desolation and beauty of life.

So when most audiences sneered at the old Alfie played by Hopkins. I feel sorry for him. There is nothing wrong with what this old man has done. What happened to him does not mean that he deserved his stupidity and sin. His only mistake is time. If he started trying everything available 20 years earlier, he might be happier.

I have a buddy, he is 25 years old this year. A year ago, he told me: He didn't want to be sent a good person card by girls anymore, because although he kept showing kindness to girls, he was repeatedly passed by girls. Later, he began to be a teacher of pick-up experts, and went to nightclubs to practice four or four times a week. After half a year, his eyes changed. When the girl saw him, he was no longer indifferent and numb, but turned into two extremes: or extreme Disgusting or full of sexual taste. This buddy finally got the life he wanted, dealing with many hot girls, and was no longer alone. Some people will think that he has learned badly, and even more defenders and feminists will come together to attack. But I sincerely wish him, he is my friend, and I hope he can get the life he really wants, even if it seems to be an extremely bastard life to outsiders.

Because if one day I become a villain, it is also because I am tired of the "good guy" life.

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    Once a year, Alive Aaron never disappoints

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You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger quotes

  • Sally: Actress, my foot! The only acting she's ever done is faking an orgasm.

  • Jane: Sally, don't get a crush on your boss. That way is total madness.