The TV version of the variegated platter of Western fringe conspiracy theories

Albertha 2022-08-04 19:37:54

The material of the play is taken from various fringe conspiracy theories in the West. Some have been popular for decades, and are older than all of you here. At the same time, some of the latest versions of the 21st century have been added. Examples are as follows:

1. The global population is controlled to 500 million --- If you remember, this should first come from Billy Meier's extraterrestrial contact story, which was explained from the perspective of the Pleiadians. This is mentioned in the Chinese version of "Light Years". Then in the late 1970s, it was sealed by an anonymous person on a stone tablet in Georgia for unknown purpose. The original origin of this theme was the ZPG movement that began in the 1960s in the United States, and then it became a public issue of the United Nations. However, the difference from Billy Meier is only that the crazy number of "500 million" has not been clearly put forward.

2. "Negative vaccine" is used for population control --- originated from the 2003 SARS incident. The question at the time was: why SARS had obvious racial preference (yellow species). At that time, the Internet casualties had a collective brainstorming about this, and as a result, two conspiracy theories came up: One is that the SARS virus is a targeted biological and chemical weapon with the purpose of ethnic scale control in it. The conspiracy theory was limited to thinking that the virus was the culprit at the time, and it had not yet developed to a more complicated level that the vaccine was a problem, and the virus was just an excuse. The second is that SARS is a money-making tool prepared by multinational pharmaceutical groups, because it can make a fortune by selling vaccines. Obviously the former conspiracy theory is more popular. Four years later, the Merck vaccine incident occurred. At the beginning of the decade, Bill Gates' Long Beach speech broke out. This immediately pushed the vaccine to the front of the virus. Conspiracy theorists suddenly realized: It turns out that the vaccine is the culprit! And it’s more reasonable from the point of view of conspiracy theory, because vaccines can be forced to be injected in large quantities by ZF under the pretext of public safety (isn’t this the case in mainland China?), and the spread of the virus is much less efficient than that. . And the speech of Bill Gates is not sure if it was a lip-synch, but personally he is more inclined to think that he missed his mouth.

to be continued. . .


. .... From Vela NGC-2736

March 24, 2013

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