When you are not trusted, at least you have to trust yourself

Kraig 2022-01-08 08:02:37

In fact, this film is very real, and the female pig's feet have not been shaped so magically or how omnipotent. If the wit of his first death was human instinct, then the second time should be prepared. After suffering so much fear, I understand that I must learn to protect myself and the people around me. This is how to grow a wise man. It's a pity that there are many people in our lives who always eat and don't have a long memory. That's why you think female pig's feet are very brave and powerful.

However, Female Pig's Feet is indeed powerful. Her lies are too invincible, and they can let the person being questioned lay down their caution and anxiety, and thus obtain information. And can protect oneself from being suspected and tracked. So when it's critical, you must not only be brave, but also be steady, and be a bit acting.

Also, many people feel that the film is too incompetent to interpret that perversion, but in fact, this makes it more realistic. Maybe it's the kind of Sherlock Holmes-style plot that I see a lot, but I feel clumsy about the real performance. Think of it as a normal person at ordinary times. At most, he is more cautious and often neurotic. Perverts are relatively low-key in daily life and buried in the crowd.

What makes me hateful is the police. It is really resenting not to believe in Female Pig's Feet and their inaction towards Jasmine's disappearance. Don't they have any ability to think? Just like Female Pig's Feet said, only if Jasmine is dead, and the bones are found, they will suddenly realize that there really is such a person. In other words, they would lie that Jasmine was killed by another murderer and that the female pig's feet were still insane, in order to cover up their actions towards the female pig's feet and their inaction towards Jasmine's disappearance. And who wants to reveal the hidden truth? Who has the ability to fight against an organization that controls you? At most one more neuropathy. And whether it's Jasmine's death or another neurosis, it won't affect their normal lives!

In our world, we feel powerless when we are not trusted. We not only start to wonder, we even doubt ourselves, is it really that I think too much? Is it true that what they said is true and correct? Maybe I should listen to everyone, maybe I should give up my law. Many truths disappeared in this way, because few people believed, so they were buried. At the same time, many people gave up themselves because of this trance. The road to truth is never the victory of the majority and the submission of the minority. Therefore, when others do not trust you, you must believe in yourself.

After reading it, I was really impressed by the female pig's feet, besides his bravery, wit, and her calmness. Imagine you thought your only relative was kidnapped. Maybe you will never see her. You turned against the police and went to the place where the pervert asked you to go, in danger. All this was just to find her. But what was your mood when you were suddenly told that she went back? Excited, angry or something else? In short, few people would think that she didn't go back and the other party was lying to you. Of course, we can't say to make everyone suspicious or not believe it. But at a special moment, when your brain is very tense, very active, calm down, think about the situation, think about the rationality of the development of things.

This movie also tells us that the most important moments are on our own.

Very good movies are more helpful than watching those visually appealing but unrealistic movies. It's just that for someone like me who can really imagine and feel it, is the atmosphere in some places too weird? Really feel the tension of empathy.

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Gone quotes

  • Custodian: What if you don't show up?

    Jill: It means I'm dead.

  • [first lines]

    Jill: Are you going to say hi?

    Molly: Maybe tomorrow after my final. Right now I've got to become an expert on marginal productivity theory.

    Jill: I'd ask you what that is, but then I'm afraid you'd tell me.

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