Born free

Luciano 2021-10-19 09:52:44

I have watched this film twice. The first time I was in class, I watched it with sleepy eyes and squinted. When I wanted to watch it again the second time, I found out whether I was involved in the movie. It was true. The appeal of the film can be understood in different ways.
After reading it, I thought of Lu Xun's sentence: If you are greedy for stability, there is no freedom, and if you want to be free, you will have to go through some dangers. There are only two roads. In the twelve years, the protagonist has never stopped giving up the pursuit of freedom for a moment. He was whipped, hung from a tree, suffered hardships, and finally returned to his home.
The protagonist Solomon was tricked into going to the circus. When he woke up, he found that he had become a slave. The master gave him a new name: Pratt. He also fought against this, he kept roaring: "I am a free man, I am not a slave!" But in exchange for it was constant whipping. He has changed masters three times in the span of twelve years, some have appreciated him, and he has also been a "Slave Terminator." He met kind-hearted people who were willing to help him, and people who wanted to persecute and betray him, but no matter what the way forward, he always continued firmly.
Juan Fu, Banana Sister, Fa Sha, Brad Pitt, although the supporting roles in the film are far more influential than the protagonist, but the protagonist's acting skills will not be suppressed. Whether it's being hung from a tree and struggling with all his strength, trying to hide his panic and calm when being betrayed, or being ecstatic when he hears an old person calling his real name, people can truly feel his emotions. He said at the beginning of the movie that what he wants is not survival, but life. Therefore, he did not give up struggling like other black slaves, nor did he rashly want to escape. Halfway through, he also thought about taking advantage of the mistress to let him go shopping and escape from this hell. Once he knew that he was in danger of being discovered, he gave up this. move. With this courage and caution, he kept alive and finally returned to his home.
In fact, there is another character that makes me sigh, that is, Pachi. When she couldn't stand the oppression, she wanted Pratt to help her end her life, but she was rejected. After Pratt was forced to whipped her, the splash of blood made people frightening. She is Pratt’s best friend when he was a slave under Edmund, but when Pratt was free to return to his hometown, Paige called his name behind him, and he gave Paige a hug, but Still left there. Although he has his own yearning and desire, but there is no freedom among slaves, so how can we talk about friendship?
From the overall point of view of the film, it looks like an 80-point answer sheet, neat and regular, but not particularly brilliant. But the heavy background and emotions, and the cruel and direct images really make people feel the tremors of the soul. Maybe it's not enough experience. I don't have much insight into the truthful and brutal description of the Southern Manor in the movie. Instead, I feel a lot of emotion because of the hero's persistence in pursuing freedom. What can we give for freedom? Maybe in the era of freedom for everyone, we don't have any deep understanding, but there is no doubt that we are born to be free, and we are born to be free.

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Extended Reading
  • Jerald 2022-03-23 09:01:14

    Black slaves have always existed... Equality is often just talked about!

  • Randy 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    The details are very good, and there are textbooks, but the reason why it is not highly rated here is the question of the origin of the damselflies... Most people can't figure out the history of the country here, and they always have a very weak sense of substitution for the old things in the United States. Oh, besides, even though BC is very popular, you don't need to make a cameo in every movie, even though BP gets old, you can't just make a cameo.

12 Years a Slave quotes

  • Brown: Circus too constricting a word to describe the talented and merry band with which we travel. It is a spectacle unlike most have ever witnessed. Creatures from the darkest Africa as yet unseen by civilized man. Acrobats from the Orient able to contort themselves in the most confounding manners.

    Hamilton: And I myself in aide of Mr. Brown; an internationally renowned practitioner in the art of prestidigitation.

  • Hamilton: I'm afraid that Brown and I haven't brought you much luck. But rough waters bring smooth sailing. Eventually they do.

    Solomon Northup: So... so sorry...

    Hamilton: Shhh. We won't hear it. We won't.

    Brown: Let him sleep.

    Hamilton: Hmm. A good night's sleep. And tomorrow... tomorrow you will feel as well and refreshed as though the earth were new again.

    Brown: Hamilton! Nothing more we can do for him.

    Hamilton: Such is the pity.