Movies that touch on the nature of people and the development of China today

Precious 2022-01-11 08:01:27

In recent years, there are many movies about Tai Chi, but after watching it, there are basically no movies that can be "watched", let alone catch up with the film of "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng", even though "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is not perfect. This review may over-explain the movie. Everyone has their own understanding and feelings, so you don’t need to be exacting.

1. The essence of man
Lin Hu, the protagonist, seeks, pursues, gets lost, finds himself , and finally rises to no self. The final selflessness is the ultimate state of Buddhism, Taoism and other religions. Originally there is no me. The whole human beings, animals, plants, and microorganisms are one (holistic). People can cling to themselves and think that there is a real self. The protagonist is clinging to the self and the things attached to the self, and wants to save the ethereal view. . Rescue requires money, and the protagonist fights black punches for money.

2. China's development The
author believes that most local governments in China are incapable, because capable people earn income through difficult entrepreneurship and management, while the government earns income through the easy way of real estate sales. Of course, the overall living environment in China is relatively poor and needs to be improved. Therefore, infrastructure construction in a certain period of time is understandable.
Movies also mean that China is lost in the process of development (real estate, etc.). For example, in the movie, the real estate company plans to build a holiday resort and demolish the ethereal view with a history of more than 600 years, which symbolizes the impact of the society on the traditional culture that has been passed down in the process of profit-seeking, and it also symbolizes the process of individuals in this society in the profit-seeking process. The loss of self.

3. The ending
Although the film party may not have this intention, in the author's opinion, the body of the movie is the master of the protagonist, the social culture, the self-return of people, and even the Taoist body in the state of selflessness, and the protagonist's kung fu and pursuit The process and social development are only for film.
In the end, the protagonist found himself and even reached the state of no-self. The developer also reached a cooperation agreement with the ethereal view to protect the ethereal view. The organization that organized the black fist was also disbanded, and the society also found itself. The protagonist master plays a guiding role in the protagonist's self-finding and the society's self-finding.
I hope everyone can find their own way and follow the same path, and I hope this society is like this.

4. Evaluation of the film.
In the several films about Tai Chi in recent years, there are very few excavations and expressions of traditional culture, philosophy, and religion. Expressed successfully. Although the film is not perfect in this respect, it at least digs into the essence and expresses it relatively naturally and well.
In short, it is worth watching!

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Extended Reading
  • Beth 2022-04-01 09:01:10

    A boxing match without an audience is as deserted as this film

  • Beulah 2022-03-16 09:01:05

    I only wanted to give Samsung, but based on the love of the Matrix when I was young, the influence of Surprise Files, the friendship between Pang Nu and Chen Hu, and other strange reasons, I decided to add one star. Ok. Although Keanu Reeves is a bit self-destructive. Then found that Keanu also has the advantage of a small face. Real people are really handsome. "Basit board."

Man of Tai Chi quotes

  • Master Yang: You must meditate.

    'Tiger' Chen Lin Hu: Why?

    Master Yang: To clear your mind, guide your Chi and gain control.

    'Tiger' Chen Lin Hu: I have control.

    Master Yang: No, you have power not control.

    'Tiger' Chen Lin Hu: Power is control.

    Master Yang: That is an illusion.

    'Tiger' Chen Lin Hu: It is not an illusion... it's reality. I live in it, you don't. What I learn here I can't use out there.

    Master Yang: How can you use what you have not yet learned? Only when you've dispelled these illusions, will you find your way again.

  • Master Yang: The universe is blind to our pain and deaf to our sorrows. All things have their way.