A Bad Mix of Death and Smoochy

Karina 2022-11-04 10:28:36

This movie is rather about "death and smoochy"(by mixing the two really badly) than "death to smoochy".

Except that the first 10 minutes are more exciting, the latter is getting more and more out of control. Perhaps it can be seen from the title that this film is not suitable for children.

Ed may not be suitable for acting in comedies (light comedies like Keeping the faith is fine). Although he can hold on to the end with his strong acting skills, he still has a lot of effort in the size, and he will act as Forrest Gump or Rain Man with a little effort. . But since Ed can span almost all kinds of roles from good guys to bad guys (even playing two at the same time is no problem), the comedy will be left to Robin Williams.

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Death to Smoochy quotes

  • Spinner Dunn: My name is Moochy.

    Sheldon: I think we've established that.

    Spinner Dunn: Sheldon this costume is making my nuts itch.

  • Randolph: Who's toes do you have to suck to get a drink around here?