Endless few key viewing points

Annetta 2022-09-15 09:38:51

I read a lot of film reviews below. I found that many people said they couldn’t understand and didn’t know why.

So I write a few key points here, I hope you can take it with you to see it again, to help you understand this movie better.

1: Two brothers who escaped from the camp ten years ago. It also happened to be ten years, and two people decided to take a look at the camp. Note that the time cycle of the camp is exactly once every 10 years.

2: Every time the two brothers left the camp, they would suffer from unbelievable amnesia, and neither of them remembered clearly what happened to the camp.

3: In the last few minutes of the film, two people, out of instinct to survive, drove desperately to escape. It was obvious that the crow died after hitting it. The moment they drove into the collision, the picture also showed a car on the opposite side. It just happened to be hit. this means. Since the bird couldn't get out of the last barrier, the two brothers didn't actually get out.

4: At the end of the film, the other people in the camp watched the two brothers leave the camp, but they chose to stay. Obviously, they knew the rules and the insurmountable boundaries.

5: This film does not give a portrait memory of a person outside the camp. The subtext is to tell the audience that the two brothers can't remember anything during the ten years of life outside the camp.

Thus, the supernatural rules of reincarnation appeared in this film.

1: If you choose not to leave that mysterious range, you will always have memories. Obviously the people in the camp chose this way. Those nearby in the cycle of minutes, seconds and hours cannot leave. First, they will be sent back immediately because they don’t have enough time. Second, they don’t care whether they choose to escape or Suicide will instantly resurrect and teleport back to the starting point. It's a bit like the animal way of the six reincarnations, the evil spirit way.

2: People in the camp have the longest time, which can be 10 years, but if you leave, you will quickly lose your memory, and memory is the most fundamental core of a person’s life, so people in the camp are afraid of losing their memory. Returning to his position once in 10 years in the camp is much more terrifying.

3: The two brothers actually did not succeed in escaping the cycle of reincarnation at all, but chose a more brave way, at the expense of their own memory, to resist this cycle of reincarnation, but even so, they still go back and gather on time every 10 years . There is a subconscious psychological suggestion and impetuous pressure.

At the end of the film, my elder brother told his younger brother that he wanted to come on. The younger brother said it was okay. The fuel tank was always empty, but the car could continue to drive, no problem. The elder brother said something meaningful to his younger brother, so you know all about it. Indeed, my brother knows it all. The younger brother discovered that he and his elder brother were just continuing the cycle of the next 10 years.

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The Endless quotes

  • Unknown: We never anticipate the ways we're gonna isolate ourselves from the ones we care about.

  • Hal: Can you have power over yourself if you give up any amount of authority to something else?