Very good architecture settings

Danielle 2022-01-10 08:01:58

Ether is a centralized cloud storage area, which can also be said to be a daily information system platform.

Xinyan is an implantable retinal reconstruction module, which is similar to wearing an electronic cosmetic contact lens for a new born person, but it cannot be peeled off. ---Note that AR is based on the naked eye. People are blind.

When the mind sees any object, there is relevant recognition or retrieval information presented. Lenovo Terminator.

Ui is controlled by the naked eye, such as dilated pupils and eyeball rotation. The text input of chat seems to be slow, and it is expected to be simple recognition of brain waves

The ether system naturally sees different things according to the level of authority of different people. For example, the police can retrieve some encrypted files.

This kind of future world is still quite quiet and ideal, suitable for social groups. There are scenes of going to work, just sitting or standing in a daze. In fact, centralized office is not necessary. Human beings are online when they open their eyes and close their eyes. networking.


In reality, the ether system will gradually be there. The mind-eye module is still far away, and it is getting closer step by step. The current mobile phone is the first generation of connected organs.

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Extended Reading
  • Arden 2022-04-23 07:03:38

    When "black technology" encounters "hackers", "seeing is false" and sneering at "technology makes life better", this is very "black mirror"!

  • Adelbert 2022-03-14 14:12:25

    This director is really keen on science fiction films with cold sex, and the topic selection is really good, such as the previous "In Time", and Amanda is off again, it is estimated that it will not be released in China.

Anon quotes

  • The Girl: Is there something else you'd like to do? That I can erase?

  • The Girl: [explaining her algorithm] Breaks my life up into fractions of seconds and randomly stores them in the records of everyone else. But if you try to find that split second of me, it would go by without you knowing. You have to have the algorithm to put my entire life back together.