Being caught off guard was the last lesson

Rowland 2021-10-19 10:15:29

Professor in a new suit watching a movie

That’s Charles Xavier. He is the first prophet in any religion in the mutant universe.

How could he die like that on a strange bed unsuspecting in a strange place without even having a funeral? It's good to be surrounded by mountains and rivers, but how could it be like this. . .

He once founded a school where mutants can study and live with ordinary people. He is so ideal and realistic. With him, there will always be hope. There is Eden.

We haven’t had a chance to stay for a study to see the old tree that was split in half, touch the bricks of Xavier’s old house, listen to him talk about the King of Eternity and Neanderthal, I would rather human beings be the next Nean Det. . .

or. . . It’s not easy to reverse the future, it’s not a future worth looking forward to, I’m caught off guard

I was caught off guard against the ivory tower. The abandoned water tower looked like a dead super brain and the familiar one lived in it. . . The old man is no longer a professor or even Charles but now I hope he is still there and remember to take medicine every day

He was caught off guard and changed back to a professor because there are new children who need his guidance and he is always obliged to

"People must be loyal to themselves. Joey can't go against his own nature. It's hard to live with killing. There is no retreat. It's right or wrong. You have to bear it until your life."

Unprepared, I just sat in front of the TV for the last lesson. In an instant Charles came back so silently

He so lightly packed Logan's years of experience into a short line and gave it to the ignorant little wolf

The last gift, the last blessing, the last lesson

But he waved his sleeves and started a day-to-day journey

x There is only a tombstone left, no EC anymore

The above is a film review

But what I watched is a fake movie, so I don’t want to believe that that’s the end

The real story is: the lively Charles can't stand the lonely life of the house master and convinced the loyal dog wolf, who is like to be a father, to successfully organize a family of three and three generations in the same car and an exciting western road trip. Finally, he agreed with Uncle Wolf to buy the sunset cruise ship. A journey around the world at sea after retirement

The movie was made to keep us from disturbing their travel

You see, Charles is ready to go on vacation in his new clothes

View more about Logan reviews

Extended Reading
  • Ollie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    What could be more cruel than years? The beauty is late, the hero is white-headed, the years are ruthless, the mortal is easy to grow old

  • Alisa 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    In fact, I'm talking about a middle-aged crisis. There is old age at the top, and the small at the bottom. The glory is no longer, the ability is declining, and after fatigue, I feel that my body is hollowed out.

Logan quotes

  • Charles Xavier: Logan, you still have time.

  • [X-23 approaches the Reavers]

    Donald Pierce: No. No! NO!