
Estefania 2022-01-14 08:01:14

Of course I didn’t understand

it, but it doesn’t prevent me from liking it. I am fascinated by

its pictures, scenes and character settings, soundtrack... Wow, like an infinitely changing Rubik’s Cube, you can find new things after reading it N times. It’s amazing

how someone would make such a movie

and its story, I think there is no conclusive explanation, because metaphors get different answers in everyone’s thinking and imagination, and its metaphors are as fascinating as expressions.

If you can sit in the cinema and watch it and be shocked by the psychedelic world on the big screen, what an enjoyable experience.

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Extended Reading
  • Cielo 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    It turns out that Dave McKean is still a director, and I really like his style.

  • Dimitri 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Don't like that little girl

Mirrormask quotes

  • Mrs. Bagwell: And remember: Don't let them see you're afraid.

  • Helena: You are not my boyfriend, you know, even if this is my mom's dream.