A memorable moment for all mankind

Jaylon 2022-12-08 01:24:30

Fifty years! That "a small step for me, a big step for mankind" has been in my heart for so many years, and I finally got a glimpse of it today. I am very happy. The skill of the film editing is too powerful, and all the precious moments are reproduced. This is a blessing for mankind. I didn't expect to finally see the true face after fifty years, and it was so high-definition perfect. I am willing to offer all my compliments.

When will mankind truly leave the cradle of the earth? I look forward to seeing it in the rest of my life. I hope that human beings will not just stay on the planet below their feet comfortably in reality, until they cannot escape from the crisis. The call of the universe is the poetic and distant pursuit of mankind.

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Extended Reading

Apollo 11 quotes

  • Neil Armstrong: One small step for man... one giant leap for mankind.

  • Himself - Command Module Pilot: I promise to let you know if I stop breathing.