Deadly Lisbon

Jacklyn 2022-01-14 08:02:21

I picked up this movie after reading the novel completely, although I read the book for a whole year. The characters and scenes are extremely similar to what I have in my mind, but the movie is always bound by time, and many people and things are not explained, such as Prado's wife and her girlfriend in high school... I thought the whole story would be described by the author. Portuguese is mixed with French, because English does lack those charms, and perhaps what is missing is the city that has always been brooding about: Isfahan, but I understand, after all, this is a movie. This is the only novel where I have excerpted a lot of notes, no way, the text is too tempting. Movies can be scored eighty minutes, because always hope for some kind of depth...

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Extended Reading

Night Train to Lisbon quotes

  • Amadeu: But by travelling to ourselves we must confront our own loneliness. And isn't it so everything we do is done out of fear of loneliness? Isn't that why we renounce all the things we will regret at the end of our lives?

  • Amadeu: A decisive moment of life, when its direction changes forever, are not always marked by large and shown dramatics. In truth, the dramatic moments of a life determining experience are often unbelievable, low key. When it unfolds its revolutionary effects and insures that life is revealed in a brand new light, it does that silently. And in this wonderful silence resides its special nobility.