
Aryanna 2022-01-14 08:02:20

This is a very, very interesting film about both sexes. It is also a story about "ordinary people" and "artists".

What is a man? What is a woman?

Can cross-dressing be a woman? Can you become a woman after surgery? What is the biggest difference between women and men? Would you laugh if I said menstruation?

God gave a man a body that will remain unchanged throughout his life, from a sexual perspective. And women only have the most physiological feminine characteristics in the middle of their lives. A woman is undergoing changes throughout her life, whether she reproduces or not. This physical foundation has laid most of the psychological foundation, that is, a woman will have a stage change from a girl to a young woman to a mother or a mature woman. At each stage, her life goals will change, and relatively speaking, Men are basically unchanged.

This brings about a contradiction, how does a changing value match another unchanging value? Compared with movies, Lawrence has to fly in the sky, and Fred has to become down-to-earth.

Going back to physiology, women have menstrual periods because they want to give birth to life, and motherhood is the most powerful part of a woman's psychology. Because of the instinct of raising offspring, women expect a stable spiritual and material life, and therefore pay more attention to the family, while men pay more attention to their own achievements.

So when the child came, Fred could no longer fly with Lawrence, even if she could knock him the first one; even if she loved him so much that she could buy him a woman's wig. The constant calling of motherhood made her stay away from this person who is "dangerous" to the child. Men who cannot give a "bright and positive" social image, let alone a good financial guarantee, are dangerous to a child in the eyes of a mother.

The movie is cleverly not showing Lawrence's views on children, and perhaps there is no word "child" in his dictionary at all.

In fact, in the eyes of a few women, the word "children" is also very light. Their names are "artists". Yes, those women who take art as their life and spirit as their food. Looking at the lives of the artists, you know that this is true. After all, human energy is limited. So there will be "Women who write are dangerous."

I haven't studied cross-dress lovers or transgender people. I don't know what they want. But "becoming" a woman is not so easy, no matter how advanced the technology is.

So is Lawrence a woman? I don't think. Therefore, as a man and a woman, or an "ordinary person" and an artist, the ending of the movie is not particularly uncomfortable, even if their love is so rich and beautiful.

I really like the outstanding setting and photography of the movie, it's beautiful. The details are also in place. The emotional performance, the dreamy scenes, and the rhythm (oh my god, I didn't think it was two and a half hours long) are all my dishes. But I still have to say that in terms of psychological maturity, this movie is a bit like a child. Maybe both men and artists are children? In order to maintain eternal curiosity and creativity. I really want to know, what would it look like if Li Ang were the main thread of this story?

Well, the male and female protagonists are very good. Although the male lead is basically a man, laugh. By the way, the two men in different costumes in the movie are so beautiful, and the other is a close-up of that leg. Dare to say that the director definitely has a strong aesthetic psychology that transcends gender;) Or is it very cunning and cunning to keep the market share?

by the way, is there a bobbin for studying gender studies? Is Lawrence a typical cross-dressing lover? How does it feel like he is playing soy sauce? Or just for fun? Isn’t it too unscientific that the important scenes are not very women's clothing?

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Extended Reading
  • Eveline 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The last one of this film festival. The legendary Canadian Wong Kar Wai, the picture music is extremely beautiful, and I quite like the kind of deliberate over the top. Literary and artistic youth is just for writing! Put a touch of powder on your white wall tiles. . . There was a quarrel line that was "I'm not your groupie!" The audience was just me, barefoot and Cha Cha laughed three times. .

  • Estevan 2022-03-20 09:02:32

    If all encounters are reunion after a long absence, then all breakups are destined to flee. An over-saturated film: colors, voices, music, lines, emotions... all full of uncontrollability. But are the lyrical passages in the slideshow style related to the characters? Or the director's groan? Ironically, the best shot was exactly the silent minute when the costume appeared in class on the first day. The characters are so ugly that they can't bear to look directly at them.

Laurence Anyways quotes

  • Julienne Alia: You changed your sex. I changed my address.

  • Fred Bellair: You have crossed the borders of my life, of my town, of my street. All that's left is my front door. I think you know where to find me.