You haven't commented on the things in the house

Paolo 2022-01-17 08:03:10

Questo tavolo sposterei,
I will remove the table
finisco di bere lo champagne e me ne vado.
Drink all the champagne and
E i libri,
and the book
tu mi lasciarei andare, do
n’t stop me
non riterrei terra tiglio che un po troppo da poeta.
No It should be placed on the ground so it is too
rough. C'e un tempo per ogni cosa,
everything has its own timing
i peschi non fioriscono a dicembre. The
peach tree does not bloom at the end of the year
Questa parete e brutta,
this green wall is very scary
io ho voglia di stare fra letto a abbraccia.
I long for the feeling of being embraced by you
Questo pavimento,
this floor
ma non ce la faccio,
but I can’t
e proprio da ufficio.
Too much like an office
Comunque, non so se andare via o se rimanere.
I’m not sure Should I go or stay
Cosa faccio decidi tu...
What should I do? You decide the
decidi tu... When
you decide your
freshman year, it looks too tender, and I didn't realize that this is actually a poem.

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Extended Reading
  • Jany 2022-03-20 09:02:38

    Bernini is self-directed and self-acted with a little comedy sadness. A couple separated and reunited against the background of war. I thought that the lover of my dream should be ex. It was a little unexpected for Renault to snatch himself. The most unbearable thing is that the poet can't keep his life in battle and still sings of love~I met a tiger in a snowy day~ I love you like a poem~

  • Derek 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    you you you for love

The Tiger and the Snow quotes

  • Attilio de Giovanni: If she dies, they can close this whole show of a world... they can cart it off, unscrew the stars, roll up the sky and put it on a truck, they can turn off this sunlight I love so much. Do you know why I love it so much? Because I love her when the sun shines on her. They can take everything away, these carpets, columns, houses, sand, wind, frogs, ripe watermelons, hail, seven in the evening, May, June, July, basil, bees, the sea, courgettes...

  • Attilio de Giovanni: [in broken English] Tell him to stay calm! He's very nervous... he's going to shoot me; he's shaking! Stay calm! Molto calmo! Stay calm, I am having heart attack!

    [breathes heavy]