God bless Bobby

Makenna 2022-01-19 08:01:14

Unfortunately, it is not just the tragedy itself. Standing on various moral high grounds to save others by oneself, and hiding in various corners of human nature to view oneself by others, under the banner of faith and love, the original intention of distorting life is used as salvation and interference The free soul is regarded as an axiom, and if it does not cover up its diversification in the end, it is just like a movie, it is incomprehensible after the tragedy has been created.
Struggle, despair, prejudice, indifference, death, the reason for all this is only because of a paranoid idea that has no meaning, and the source of everything is love, selfless and thorough love. This can no longer be defined by tragedy, because it happened in reality. Isn't the original intention of religion, morality, and politics to make our lives better? Don't use blindness and indifference to turn them into knives to hurt you and the people you love. Never despair, please persevere, you are all angels! Remember, there is a child listening!

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Extended Reading
  • Korbin 2022-01-19 08:01:14

    After seeing the decision to give four stars and five stars after watching, my mother said in the church after getting caught in the rain, it was I who killed my son, and I finally cried. People need to understand each other too much.

  • Celestine 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    It's been a week since I came out of the closet with my mother. I prepared a letter and this movie for her this Sunday. I don't know how much she has been hit this week. I hope she can slowly accept me after seeing this movie. There are many things I can't express in words, thanks to the value of the existence of movies.

Prayers for Bobby quotes

  • Mary Griffith: To all the Bobbys and Janes out there, I say these words to you as I would my own precious children. Please don't give up hope on life, or yourselves. You're very special to me, and I'm working very hard to make this life a better and safer place for you to live in. Promise me you'll keep trying. Bobby gave up on love, I hope you won't. You're always in my thoughts.

  • Jeanette: They should love the son no matter what the sin. Hey, that's good! I'm gonna start my own bible.