
Eino 2022-01-21 08:01:11

After getting along for a long time, love has become family affection. The "seven-year itch" is still repeated in different forms among couples. No matter how strong the feeling is, will it lose its flavor in the long and ordinary life? In the legend, there are periods of vigorous feelings, all of them stopped abruptly at the most brilliant time, or separated, or got together, and in the following decades, no one would care about the ordinary life, because it was the next one. The direction may be plain to extinction. The more yearning for eternal feelings, the more it shows that he has been missing for a long time.

In fact, I have always been not very interested in Kim Kidd's movies, and I always feel that this person is a little too obsessed with himself, and it is getting more and more intense. In his movie world, everything is unreal, everything is the product of excessive abstraction and symbolization, which also makes many symbol masters fully perform the props, scenes and some subtle movements in their movies. The deconstruction and reinterpretation of directions, I always think this is very boring. However, Kim Kidd’s "Time" has attracted me from the beginning. I have been obsessed with this movie since I saw the introduction, because the theme of the story is precisely what I have been unable to figure out, that is, time and Emotional relationship.

This movie still abstracts a pair of extreme protagonists. Both protagonists are afraid of the passage of time, just like the happiness frozen in the photo. Only the photo is eternal, because it can record the moment of happiness. At that moment, it was sweet. The couple have been in love for two years, and the relationship hasn't had any twists and turns, but it's flat but frightening. Maybe it's the waves inside. The girl Sexi is a thoughtful person. She noticed some changes in her boyfriend Ji Woo: Ji Woo will pay more attention to the young waiter in the cafe, and will get tired of biting his lip. The small changes made Sexi feel perilous, and at the same time, her own low self-esteem was also an incentive for Sexi to eventually erupt. After two years, Sexi didn’t know what else she could use to hold Ji Woo’s feelings, her face gradually aging. ? An already very familiar body? All this is like a weight added to the other side of the relationship, and the relationship between myself and Ji Woo has become more and more indifferent. So, driven by this inferiority complex, Se Hee became jealous, irritable and extremely restless. At the same time, her extreme love for Ji Woo made her unwilling to give up this feeling. She was eager to redeem it, and she wanted to have a new look. And the body brought a fresh feeling for herself and Zhiyu, so she chose plastic surgery, a full facelift, and transformed herself into another person.

And Zhiyu also belongs to an extreme person, after learning that the girl he newly met was his girlfriend who had undergone plastic surgery. He also adopted an extreme method of revenge. He also went through a complete plastic surgery and became another person, letting Shixi look for him who was totally different.
That's it. An extreme story, two extreme protagonists, is like a fable, telling a story of emotion and time. I am afraid that only Kim Ki-duk likes to use such extreme characters to say things, using complete plastic surgery to restore a dull relationship, or using complete plastic surgery to avenge someone. Here, love and hate are so pure and strong, the two protagonists All were melted into ashes.

The first part of the personal impression of the movie was a little dull, and after the latter part of the plastic surgery Sexi revealed his true identity, the movie began to climax, and the depressed feelings also broke out in an instant. As for the previous paragraph, the director put a lot of pen and ink on the single Ji Woo and different girls. In this part, I just confirmed one thing, that is, Ji Woo is tired of Se Hee, and he can’t wait to find new girls. , Under the guise of "everyone is human", try again and again. Here, I can't tell at all that he is missing Shixi, but it is true that he is missing a woman. This may also be regarded as a self-deprecating man's false promise of love.

Another topic discussed in the film is plastic surgery. In South Korea, cosmetic surgery is extremely prosperous. Many Korean girls work hard to make money and hope to get a plastic surgery to make themselves more beautiful. When there are high noses, melon-seeded faces, big eyes, double eyelids, long vertical hair, and plump breasts in film and television programs and shows, the power of this suggestion is powerful. . The large number of plastic surgery performed by celebrities must have a great impact on the Korean people. More people imitate and compare, making plastic surgery a social phenomenon. Therefore, this film by Kim Kidd is also using another voice as a warning to those who are a little crazy about plastic surgery. The director's attitude towards plastic surgery is very obvious in the film. It is precisely because of the plastic surgery that the originally sweet couple finally ended in tragedy. At the same time, the director deliberately added several videos related to plastic surgery at the beginning and the next few paragraphs of the film. The cut nose bridge and the bloody face are full of blood and cruelty. Behind every beautiful face that has been retouched is abnormal pain and blood, which is also some warning that the director hopes to bring to the audience.

The director played a trick at the end, a circular narrative method similar to "Heavy Rain Is Coming". At the end, Sexi who had plastic surgery again collided with Sexi at the beginning. The film was just like the collision scene in the opening scene. So the story formed a loop, the beginning is the end. Frankly speaking, I haven't figured out the meaning of this trick. Perhaps it is a warning about repetition. The director is hinting that the story between Ji Woo and Se He is still happening repeatedly.

PS: The interesting part is that the male protagonist Ji Woo played in the film should be the editing of Kim Kidd's "Empty Room". The film has repeatedly appeared in the film that Ji Woo is doing non-edited shots of "Empty Room" on the computer.

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Extended Reading
  • Paris 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    There are more lines, and there is a human flavor, but the lining has not changed. Love to play so one hand, to the end grief-stricken. There are no surprises, but the style remains the same, and it is difficult to have surprises

  • Emory 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    That synopsis is like a romance comedy. . Oops. . After reading Kim Ki-deok's re-rating, it is not comparable. . . We all know that nothing can escape time, but human beings can never stop their crazy struggles. . Also enjoy the boundless fear and panic that comes with the struggle. . This is an endless tragedy of endless reincarnation

Time quotes

  • Ji-woo: [Having been rudely awakened] Did... did you just slap me? Why did you do that?

    See-hee: Because I love you.