It’s the same as if you didn’t watch it

Damaris 2022-10-26 08:23:49


tried to restore history and tried to make it into a movie version of 24 hours. This pseudo-documentary narrates the capture of Bin Laden like a running account, but it bypasses many important questions. As an audience who doesn't care about politics, my question is: Why is the US ordering the encirclement and suppression of such a world's number one terrorist leader so vague: live or die? What is the relationship between the United States and Pakistan, and what is the future direction? What happened to the two Pakistani spies who worked for the Americans?

Or is everything that happened is a scene? Conspiracy theories are not entirely believed, but this short history is indeed misty. Bin Laden was the protagonist of the successful performance designed by the United States. After completing his role and mission, he was declared "killed on the spot" without even seeing the body. This made Bush the war against terrorism in which Bush seized resources to transfer domestic conflicts and intensified domestic conflicts. Obama, who solved the real economic problems, was re-elected smoothly. So this movie has no meaning at all. As a play-in-the-play, we, bystanders of history, still fail to see why. I hope that in a few decades, when I am old, the CIA can lift the ban on the document and release the truth to the world, just like the Argo project.

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Extended Reading

Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden quotes

  • CIA Field Agent: It's gonna be fine. You've got the full force and faith of the United States government backing you.

    Dr. Afridi: Yesterday. What about tomorrow?

  • Lieutenant Commander: As always, we go in sterile. If you get killed you're stupid. If you get captured, you gotta get killed first. Make sure your smart packs are back here.