I wrote a film review for the first time, just because of Yimei and the place where the age cannot be seen

Cathryn 2022-06-07 16:48:28

I haven't read the original work, so I don't know much about this work. To be honest, I can't tell whether it is a movie or a TV series.
I know this work because it was mentioned in the MV that I saw on Suiyuanju. Later, I found an EC ancient Roman AU "Butterfly" on the potato. It was short, only one point, but it was still shocked. Obviously he likes HE the most, but after being abused, I watch it over and over again without a long memory. And kept looking for the soundtrack, and so far to no avail.
Well, I watched it just for Yimei, and it turned out that two stars gave one Mei, one star gave the original work, and one star gave the dim picture and decent soundtrack.

I didn't download it, just found it on Tudou. The sad thing is that it is divided into nine parts. The subtitles are misplaced and very advanced and accelerating. In the end, it exceeds about ten minutes. The "super clear" picture quality is like an old movie in the middle of the last century. Moreover, my English was so bad that my teacher had a headache, so I was basically eating raw meat. Even so, I still finished watching it, or "jumping" finished it. Stop if there is beauty, fast forward if there is none. The last film that asked me to do this was "Prometheus," because there was a magic shark in it. It can be seen what kind of breed I am. However, with the comprehension ability and the degree of acceptance, the plot or something is still known. But I have nothing to spoiler.

Why is it said that it is "the place where the age is not visible"? Because if it weren't for the opening and ending credits and the flying machines that appeared from time to time, this work would remind me of "Tracing the Lost City of Egypt". Its dim tone and ancient soundtrack will give me the feeling of "this story happened in ancient Egypt", and I feel that this is the story that happened in ancient civilization.
But when the picture cuts to the garden (it should be) and Yimei is lying on the grass, I have a feeling of being in ancient Greek mythology. The light at that time was really beautiful, just like an oil painting. By the way, when the female characters are not standing with Yimi, they are still pretty.

I think this should be a great story, but due to the limitations of special effects and time, it is enough to be able to tell what it is. For the sake of Yimei, my requirements are not high. Who made it ten years ago?

There are many blue eyes, but other people's eyes are colored lights in my eyes, but the beautiful ones are blue tanzanite in my eyes.
The beauty of ten years ago was very beautiful, but the beauty of the present is still very beautiful. I think he will be the same ten years later.

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Children of Dune quotes

  • Irulan: Must you insist on sneaking away like this?

    Ghanima: I still feel him


    Ghanima: , Irulan, his presence; sometimes I even think I can hear his laughter in the wind.

    Irulan: Mocking your decision to marry Farad'n I hope?

    Ghanima: Why should he mock it?

    Irulan: I cannot stand by and let you be used as a pawn in Alia's schemes.

    Ghanima: Is that what you think? That I'm being used? That I've agreed to this marriage as part of some conspiracy with Alia?

    Irulan: No, but I know you Ghani, there is more to your decision than anyone else believes.

    Ghanima: Alia wants my grandmother back, Farad'n is simply the means.

    Irulan: But what do you want?

    Ghanima: Farad'n's blood on the wedding sheets, not mine.

  • Alia: We will have a corner on the scarcest commodity in the universe!

    Lady Jessica Atreides: You will have a corner in hell!