It’s just as easy to cry as you and mine

Nolan 2022-01-20 08:03:15

I don't think it's so easy to cry. If I have to say that I cry, then my life is really as good as hers. The twisting of people is certainly part of the truth. (These words here do not have any derogatory meaning), but it will not show the beauty and meaning that it does not have because of the spotlight. But he is also an ordinary person fighting for nothing, and the camera may be more dull and cry better. But if the spotlight is destined to magnify something, then magnifying these is also a good attempt.

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Extended Reading
  • Letha 2022-03-18 09:01:07

    Her rebellion is the strength of her career, and it has always been the waterloo of her private life. Fibromyalgia, a still-born marriage, cowardly nasty talk. I am like a sporadic gas station on the intercontinental expressway, with people coming and going, and after getting what they need, they can only get together well. She searched for herself with the pain of nearly ten years, but she never stopped being confused, but every attempt was a landing, a short self-confirmation before each flight.

  • Gillian 2022-03-25 09:01:20

    If the person being filmed directly participated in the production...the documentary objectivity of this documentary will be greatly weakened, because it is difficult for you to judge whether the person being filmed deliberately created a certain image. Everything you see/feel in the film can be performed. That has no credibility, should it be treated as a fake documentary?

Gaga: Five Foot Two quotes

  • Lady Gaga: I just want Madonna to throw me up against the wall and kiss me and tell me I'm a piece of shit.