Others are fans of idols, I am fans of directors, producers and composers all day long

Letitia 2022-10-07 19:41:03

I found that the fans are basically old men hahaha.

I love the style of this anime! I have never learned to draw and I really want to learn! It's a pity I'm not an art student...Because my family didn't agree, I didn't dare to paint at home when I was a child. Some have also painted in elementary and junior high school art classes.

I really like this style and the gothic style! In the future, when I get rich, I will definitely learn animation by myself, and then make my own works. When I was young, I wanted to be an animator, but now it's too naive to think about it. In the future, it would be good to draw small clips and be happy.

I can only draw simple animals on MediBang with my mobile phone?

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