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Harrison 2022-12-29 10:31:31

The world view setting and plot are very good. The first half is a very common Japanese-style adventure, which is very common. Basically, you know the plot after reading the front, but it also shapes a very grand world. At the same time, it also sets There is a lot of suspense, so it can attract people to continue watching. In fact, the power of this show is mainly reflected in the last 3-4 episodes, which is very touching, and some very important suspense is exploded in these episodes.

Many of the comments gave low scores because they didn't read it, so they were labeled as "Japanese comics that can be seen everywhere", so they gave low scores. In fact, if they read all of them, they should not give such a low score (of course, if some people deliberately black, I would rather Don't talk about it)

Is it because of sexual innuendo or the author's pedophilia? ? ? It's true that people with hearts see everything dirty. I personally think that this so-called "young tooth" style of painting is very strong to set off a cruel and heavy plot. If the protagonist and his party are adults or teenagers, Then the cruelty of the plot cannot be reflected in a short period of time. As for the sexual implication... I think the author did not deliberately "suggest" obscure, or deliberately show it sexy, but showed it in a very ordinary way. It's not very obtrusive if you don't pay special attention. Compared with other pictures, it's just a little more conspicuous, just like the eyes will be attracted by things such as butterflies.

As for loopholes, there are indeed many unreasonable places, such as why an orphanage tutor as an adult would let the protagonist who is still a child enter the abyss and so on.

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