Looking back, I saw my ass rubbing myself

Kayla 2021-10-20 17:24:43


[Contending? Prove? Rectification? 】

The pull of capital, the disputes of movie fans, the entanglement of the main creators, back and forth for several years, the guide version of "Justice League" is like the nightmare of the master about the future in the film, repeatedly reminding the world, "I am." As a result, the film appeared in front of us at an unexpected speed, a bit caught off guard. Although there were constant controversies in advance, once the film was released, it was cut off from all backgrounds and became an independent work that began to be subject to everyone's scrutiny fairly.

In all fairness, only 10% of the two versions are the same. It's an exaggeration, but it has indeed become two completely different movies. The guide version is much better than the theater version. However, this is natural, because the cinema version is like DCEU’s hemorrhoids. No matter what is behind, as long as it can come out, it will be successful; besides, the four-hour capacity + streaming media platform broadcast can give the main creator the best Tian's creative freedom, no matter how scumbag the director is, after all, there is still some money to loosen himself. He can disappoint his fans, but he will not disappoint himself.

But does the movie look better, does it mean that DC Nirvana and Zhadao long live? A quasi-first-line commercial film director who has invested hundreds of millions of dollars on a large project, but is unable to persist in the game with the studio, shows a little bit of the problem. This version of "Justice League" does not prove that Zha Dao is a director who can resist war. It can only prove how failed the theater version is, and only prove that Hollywood is still that Hollywood, cruel, greedy, shrewd, and shameless. .

Fans, stop yelling, here, reward you. Remember to recharge HBO MAX!

Closer to home, there are spoilers in the comments below.


Let's take a look at the effect of such a wayward frame.

Cinematic version screenshots

Screenshot of the guide version

The picture above is the cinema version, and the picture below is the guide version, eh. . . I have seen a lot of Xiaoman waist, which is not bad. . . After watching it, the whole picture really feels more breathing and very comfortable.

But let's compare the comparison effect after the screenshot on my phone:

Mobile phone screenshot comparison

Pulling up and down the large frame does have a miraculous effect on a screen like IMAX, but there are gains and losses. When playing on a streaming media platform, can a 1.33 to 1 frame really provide a better experience? Today's electronic screens are basically close to 16:9. We see more information on the screen. It's correct, but isn't the overall screen even smaller? Forget it, the phone doesn't match the Zhadao movie!

Looking forward to the release of a TIKTOK version-oh no-then launch a vertical screen version of a certain tone for the Chinese market, which not only allows us to see the waist but also the legs, and more importantly, a certain tone pays for it Refreshing.

[Each character line]

The Zheng Kai line and the Martian hunter line have been added. Although there are not many shots, there are words, which shows that the diversity and tolerance of the Sleeping King era is so beautiful-although he recently said to immigrants "Don't come over" ". This outreach, tut.

The original characters, to be honest, the biggest problem in the original theater line-lack of empathy, the guide version through the reorganization of the character line, the remedy is very good, everyone has a character arc, and it is more likable.

The biggest surprise is the steel frame. This baby is an inexplicable entangled child in the theater version, but what he is entangled with, the guide is finished. It's still something with the original family, but is there any time to perform well? It's really different. Especially before the resurrection of Superman, the eyes of the steel bone father and son at the research and development base were a bit touching. And the father's recorder, which is not only the trough of steel-boned emotions, but also the soundness of his final personality. He also made a Nolan-like cross-editing, which was quite fun.

Xiao Shan, there is no naughty drama of swiftly graffiti face, no wretched drama falling on Wonder Woman, and desperate drama with more time to rewind, making his image more positive and more effective. To say that he is funny, he also added the sentence "women like little fresh meat" when digging the body of Superman, which is better than Jos Weiden's.

Wonder Woman, on the issue of whether to resurrect Superman, did not conflict with the master. Speaking of the theater version, the female hero also pushed the master a bit. This conflict was originally intended to create a small contradiction within the team. It returned to the "Reunion" routine that Joes Weiden was good at, but did not provide a solution, which made the female Xia's attitude towards Superman and his journey of self-discovery seem to be jumping. Zhadaoban feels that there is no play here, and it is handled cleanly. In addition, at the beginning, the heroine's rescue scene was much more beautiful. The topic "You can be anyone you want" gave the whole scene a foothold. Tucao again, what did the female heroine look like when she zoomed in on the white flash of the movie in the theater version!

Aquaman, interacted a lot with Mera and Victor, and let the audience understand his knot. Regardless of just a few scenes, he changed from the humanoid hormone in the theater version to a decent wandering king. For example, in the Zhadao version, the fork in the hands of Aquaman was given by Veken. Unlike the theater version, Aquaman said to Mera, "Then you have to give me something." This trident has changed from the "artifact to come" of the theater version to the "responsibility of picking up".

Dachao, the theater version was handled very badly-how did he return to his normal mind after his resurrection? It was the master who made Louis appear, and then Louis took Dachao to the farmland, said something not so painful, and then said, "Now I have to send you away (to save the earth)". This Louis is really a tool man, Dachao. He was also a tool man who was pushed all the way. The guide version is much better. First, pave the way for the pain after Louis lost the Super League a few times (and remove the inferior joke that Martha said "You are the most thirsty woman"), so that Louis's weight is heavier, and then Louis is not arranged by the master It’s the plot that appeared by himself (this is very important), and finally brought Dachao back to the wooden house, put on clothes (returning from God to man), a little memory, and finally Martha came, and the family of three reunited , Dachao himself said, "There must be a reason for them to let me come back, and I have to know why." You see, this is the right way to shape characters-people have to be proactive!

Lord, it's mainly because of the distrust of Superman. One is the memory of that little flash through the dream in BVS, and the other is the dream about the story line of the Injustice in another time and space. This adds a layer of complexity to the super relationship, and is closer to the master's personality-he will always see more than others. This is much better than the useless Batman in the theater version, and it more naturally provides the possibility of expansion for the future of the Justice League story-although it seems that those stories can only be supplemented by our own brains.

Steppenwolf, in the theater version, it turned out to be gnawed back to his hometown by a demon who was not on the stage. How could it be so cruel in the guide version, the corpse was separated back in front of Dakside, my little pity! On the whole, whether it is the background of exile, the cruelty, and the sense of oppression, the steppenwolves of the guide version can leave a deeper impression on people.

To sum up, the biggest improvement of the guide version of "Justice League" is the fullness of the characters. It becomes a living example-how a qualified commercial film should shape people. Most of the current Hollywood blockbusters have contracted the disease of "catch the show" and "lazy show". The recent re-screening of "Avatar" and the reappearance of the guide version of "Justice League" are all vivid lessons: when the audience is numb to special effects, the ultimate expectation is to return to the resonance of "drama" and "people".

【Visual effect】

Take an example, the image of Steppenwolf. The design of the theater version is really general, and the Steppenwolf of the guide version, the battle armor is very popular, and there is a camera that automatically cuts off the arrow, which is domineering. In my eyes, character image design is the basic course for all artists. Everyone knows that a smaller face is more fierce, a stronger arm is stronger, a sharper armor is more aggressive, and a thicker head corner is more reckless. Comparing the following two pictures, does the Steppenwolf in the theater version look like the little cavalry that came out of the Middle Ages?


Theatrical version of Steppenwolf


Just give an example, the beginning.

The beginning of the theater version: A child took a photo of Dachao with his mobile phone and asked "What do you like the most about the earth?" Then it cut to Gotham City, where Batman first battled a monster.

The opening of the Zhadao version: Back to the BVS climax scene, the sorrow of Dachao's death spread all over the earth one by one, wave after wave, all the protagonists heard it, and the three mother boxes also heard it.

These two opening chapters are two different orientations.

In the eyes of the former, "Justice League" is a family affair, and it's almost enough to finish the story with a few paragraphs.

In the latter's eyes, the death of Da Chao is the fall of a god that needs to be repeatedly rendered, and its tragic nature needs to be continued throughout the film. It is not only the motive for the Lord to quickly establish the Justice League, but also the cause of the main plot of the whole film— —The mother box knows that Da Chao is dead, and there will be a play after returning to the arms of the master (Of course, the logic is unreasonable. The mother box has been waiting for 5,000 years, and Da Chao has only been there for many years. Although the mother box was awakened by Da Chao, it can barely explain ).

There is no doubt that the roundness of the plot of the guide version is much better than that of the theater version.

【Action Play】

It must be said that the action scenes of the theater version of "Justice League" are still superior. Compared with the several battles in "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4", it does not lose too many points. After all, Joes Weiden is the one who has filmed the first two "Reunion", and he can check his entertainment.

It turned out that I also thought that the cinematic version of the action drama would not be as bad as the Zhadao version. After all, the remakes may be mainly literary dramas.

There are seven main action scenes in the whole film, and each scene has a bright spot for improvement. Of course, most of the action scenes were originally filmed by the lead director. But, after all, there are very big differences between the two versions in many places. Judging from these differences, whether or not Zach Schneider made adjustments after the theater version was released, he proved that he has a clearer idea of ​​making action scenes.

I am not here to pull the film, I will make a general evaluation one by one.

1. Wonder Woman solves the hostage case. As mentioned earlier, after Wonder Woman zooms in on the move, how important the result is-that is to explode! Comparing the explosion of explosives, there is a big difference between the two directors. Zha Dao generously showed the scale of the explosion with a panoramic view. In addition, there are details of bombers adjusting their weapons to automatic firing. There is also a comparative observation point, which is the adjustment of music. The Zhadao version did not use canned music, and added a slightly tragic female voice, and was more restrained from the use of the female heroine theme song "Is she with you". This is knowing what you want. 2. Steppenwolves fight the Amazon. The guide version is wonderful. After the "broken dragon stone" fell, the entire stone house collapsed into the sea, and this has the meaning of "broken dragon stone"! The walls of the theater-line version of the stone house were split by an axe, and it was as weak as a yurt. In the later battle, the guide version is longer and richer, and the details are so good that Steppenwolf’s armor is too good at acting.

3. Ancient battle. The key is that the top leader Darkside came out! Hey! Steppenwolves are still in the theater version, and Steppenwolves are so delicious at the end of the film. Didn't this tarnish the fighting power of the ancient gods!

4. Steppenwolf grabs the mother box from the bottom of the sea. This theater version gives people the feeling that both sides can play back and forth because it was cut too short. But the Zhadao version is a bit bloody, the Wasteland Wolf chopping people is like chopping melons and vegetables, and Mera and Sea King are also easy to use more tricks, all of which are completely crushed. This contrast is of course very important. Steppenwolves must be strong and cruel.

5. The engineering tunnel saves lives. There are many nuances. First of all, the Flash is not counseling, and is not just responsible for saving people. The first encounter between the heroine and Steppenwolf was basically re-cut, with a lot of rhythm. In addition, scenes like the falling of a tank are very generous in cross-editing, and the audience can clearly see what is happening on each line. Of course, this can be said to have been drenched in the light of ample time, but to be honest, don't the audiences want to see more exciting when they buy tickets.

6. Superman resurrection chaos. This scene is the most exciting fight in the theater version, but Dachao’s motives are not clear and seem chaotic. As mentioned earlier, the biggest change in the Zhadao version is the choice of actions of several key characters, which are all driven by my own will. This gave this exciting highlight a solid boost, and it was very comfortable to watch.

7. Steppenwolf base battle. This is the most changed action scene, and everyone's mission has become very clear. The most pleasant surprise is that Xiao Shan successfully reversed time and prevented the mother box from functioning, frustrating Darkside's conspiracy.

[Final thoughts]

Are years of quarreling and anticipation worth it?

Looking at the finished product alone, it is worth it.












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Zack Snyder's Justice League quotes

  • [the Flash is trapped in the Speed Force]

    The Flash: OK. Just gotta go faster than the speed of light - far beyond the speed of light. You gotta break the rule, Barry and you gotta do it now.

    [starts to run]

    The Flash: Dad, whatever happens now, I just want you to know: your kid was one of them, dad. One of the best of the best.


    The Flash: Make your own future. Make your own past. It's all... right... now.

  • DeSaad: I told you Steppenwolf would fail.

    Darkseid: Yes. Yes, you did.

    DeSaad: My master, now that the Mother Boxes have been destroyed, how will you retrive your great prize?

    Darkseid: Anti-Life is found, DeSaad. And we will stop at nothing to possess it. Ready the armada. We will use the old ways.