I watched Mission Impossible 1 yesterday, and I watched 2 just now. I decided: to watch the fourth part without spending money.

Karlie 2021-10-20 17:32:16

There are no conspiracies and tricks, only those little tricks who wear hoods and disguise; there is no tension and excitement, only the tedious and protracted plot.

The most disgusting thing is that the camera always closes up the big villain, listening to him squeeze out a few ruthless commands with a nasty accent word by word.

The hacker came here to advertise, and the one who flew the plane came to fly the plane.

The protagonist got the antidote and escaped. He didn't throw the antidote to the hacker on the plane for him to save people. Instead, he took the antidote and led the enemy to show off his car skills.
When I got to the beach, I actually took off my coat (the antidote is inside), and fisted with the boss, even in order to prolong the movie time, I disdain to kill the enemy with a knife.
Does it all make sense...

That woman was supposed to spread the virus in the city center, so why did she slip up to the edge of the cliff? No one is watching her? In addition, how does the virus spread? Is the carbon dioxide exhaled through a woman?

After watching the rock climbing of the protagonist at the beginning, you can double the video playback speed.

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Extended Reading

Mission: Impossible II quotes

  • Ethan Hunt: [to Nyah, after looking at his watch hiding behind a metal container] We've got 19 hours and 57 minutes. I'll get Bellerophon into your system by then. Just stay alive. I'm not going to lose you.

  • Sean Ambrose: [while siting in the back seat of a Chauffeur car with Nyah and Sean holds up the anti-virus in front of the infected Nyah] Feel like pleading for your life?