Love with heart

Gayle 2022-01-22 08:02:35

The dishes, music, and colors in "Delicious Relationship" are so beautiful and cozy that I feel so comfortable that I don't want to end. Love, or love, the 8-year-old girl Lina deeply misses her deceased mother. She watched the video with her mother repeatedly in loneliness, "You can't replace my mother", yes, the mother is irreplaceable, "Mom always It’s a mother, even if she leaves you.” Aunt Martha is a top-notch chef who is capable and dedicated to work. She had no other intentions and wandered around in the kitchen all day long, but the arrival of her niece made her hands and feet messed up, and the new chef Mario was prominent. The performance made her feel a sense of crisis. She can only seek help from a psychologist. In fact, Mario is a childlike and caring person (Oh my God, why are such cute men so few in life??), "No I, you can live well, too" made me cry, yes, no one can live without who is missing, but life is different; with his patient and meticulous care and help, Lena and Martha not only It melts the hostile relationship and feels the love for each other more deeply. This kind of love can overcome external difficulties and inner demons. This kind of love helps us invincible.

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Mostly Martha quotes

  • Lina Klein: I'm not going without my scarf!

  • Mario: Why would she want to stay with her family in sunny Italy when she can return to cold and grey Germany to live there with a nut case like you?