"Perfect" crime? Imperfect crime

Raphaelle 2022-01-24 17:48:17

7.5 points.

This movie has such a high rating, but when I watch it, the logic problems in various details are really annoying. Moreover, the tempo is slow, and the editing mood is not enough, which makes people feel very ordinary.

Although a suspenseful crime or reversal movie always has logical deficiencies, it is usually fascinating enough to not be noticed, which is not bad. The problem is that I personally watch "Montage" not too much. There is also the casting of the heroine, which does not seem to match a mother who has lost a child who can bring people in. The eye makeup is good and the face is a little puffy. The logic that makes people complain is that too many screenwriters rely on "coincidence" rather than rational logic to advance. There are many places that can be better handled but the logic is not rigorous:

1. Fifteen years ago, the criminal was so careful about hiding the car and detouring, and wearing raincoats and gloves every day, he went to put flowers without investigating whether the location of the crime was monitored or not, and it was so dangerous when the prosecution period was not completely over. In the end, he was almost caught in a restaurant. 2. The editing sequence of some pictures is a little messy. For example, the male protagonist looks at the monitor and sees the car logo after they have made so much effort. It makes people think "After so much work, did you see such obvious signs in the monitor?" a feeling of. 3. The place where the flowers were placed was monitored. It was a logically forced coincidence, and then there was no one. But when the retrospective period was still a few hours, the car ran over and parked in front of the male protagonist. If it is a murderer showing off, it is necessary I was almost caught in a restaurant, so the car was not found by logic, but by coincidence. With the emphasis on the countdown of the time for prosecution, the purpose is to show the audience, oops, so nervous, oops, it's a pity that I can catch it and slip away. It's just that this kind of construction based on coincidence seems very deliberate. 4. Afterwards, it was obvious that the restaurant had been cleaned and reorganized, so that the big black umbrella was lying on the spot and no one moved? Are you teasing me? Even if the hostess asked, the boss said that when I think of it, I picked up the umbrella that the person had fallen and took it out, which is much more reasonable! It can be seen from these places that the director does not pay attention to logical details at all! The most irritating thing is that these are clearly reasonable points. Not paying attention to details is bad for the movie.

5. In the incident 15 years later, the child was lost. Grandpa picked up the suspect’s cell phone and waved his hand. The police accidentally gathered together to discuss and didn’t see it; the mother was talking to the criminals, and the police were still nervously dropping things. To the ground? If you want to show the police's incompetence or unprofessionalism, you don't have to do that. Even mothers who have no children behaved more stably than them. 6. When Grandpa disappeared, no police cared. 7. In this case 15 years later, the criminal wanted to blame Grandpa, but even the warehouse and tapes that clearly proved that Grandpa told the truth were not destroyed. Why did the criminal think that the police would not even be able to recognize it even by looking at the warehouse? Go see? That's because the screenwriter thinks so, not the criminals think so. This situation is typically the screenwriter forcibly replacing criminals and police, and the actual logic is untenable. 8. After Xiaochun returned to his mother, although the case was closed, the prosecution period has not passed, and the case can still be reversed. My grandfather went to jail, and Xiaochun had been with the hostess for so long. It won't be long before Xiaochun's mother will know about all these. Then the mother knows that her father was imprisoned and has a daughter as a witness. Wouldn’t Xiaochun’s mother sue for a lawyer to reverse the case? In that case, it is difficult to say whether Grandpa will go to jail for fifteen years. The logic of so many details is unreasonable, and I have been brainwashing the audience that it is a "perfect crime". I am really convinced.

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