["My son, what have you done"-mother's voice

Reagan 2022-12-29 04:33:49

A film produced by David Lynch, the film tells about the "voice in the heart". This sound runs through the film from the beginning to the end. At the beginning, the train made a huge roaring noise: the sound of the train rubbing against the rails and the sound of the whistle shuttled through this relatively static lens. The empty shot is full of the speed and noise of the train. All this seems to be harmonious, the original empty scene: a train speeds out to divide the blue sky and the yellow earth into two, with the blue sky as the curtain, the name of the actor jumps into the blue sky. At this moment, I knew that this film was not a horror film, and I could relax my uneasy heart.
I don't want to watch a movie that is so repressive that it is nauseating on such a sunny morning. When my mind just moved here, the camera switched to a moving car. Two local patrolmen were talking endlessly in the police car. Disharmonious voices began to appear, running through the film from beginning to end.
The director told me that the actor should listen to his inner voice and do what he wants to do. I guess this sound has appeared three times. The voice from the bottom of my heart is a cry of confession, a cry of tearing for help, and a calm vent. This voice accompanies the sensitive and lonely people fearlessly.

First, talk to cry
Mark came back from Peru and his companions talk about things drifting in the river, he was silent as if thinking, from the panoramic camera slowly forward to Mark's facial features, he thought the pain was accompanied by cello concerto low, depressed , Tearing sound. Mark, a monologue for nearly a minute vented his secret fears. He rejected his companions saying that he would not drift in this river or die. The voice from the bottom of his heart told him that he should not go, a shout that resembled a roar. The voice broke the lowness of the cello, and a high and excited shout could be faintly heard. This is the first time that this voice has appeared, and it promptly warns Mark when he is about to be in danger. This shouting accompaniment stopped Mark's death. Mark's monologue said, this is the voice in his heart, he wants to overcome the hidden fear in life to live. The companion is dead, but Mark is alive. All kinds of auditory hallucinations and fantasy began to peel away layer by layer, exposing Mark's life. The statement of his girlfriend and the statement of the theater director seem to be a peaceful withdrawal from Mark's life, sorting out all kinds of abnormal behaviors after Mark returned home from Peru two years ago.

The only video that has not been told is a conversation between Mark and his mother who is dependent on each other. My mother said that I bought you all the pianos and drums you want, but you have never used them. Mark sat on the drum and said, "That's what you think is good, so you bought it to me, not stubborn or wronged, a little childish and acting like a baby." The mother's image suddenly appeared strong, and the mother's wrapped body quickly dangled in front of the camera while the police were investigating the case. There was a sharp contrast between the mother lying in a pool of blood and wrapped in white cloth and this exquisitely dressed and powerful mother who stood by the piano and questioned her son. Why would such a mother be pierced with a sword by her son and die? This question is asking me.

Second, the tearing of SOS

two alternating arrangement of the narrator, the relationship between mother and Mark. The mother appeared again and again in the bedroom of Mark and his girlfriend, homemade biscuits, sleep aid wine, and a 30-second shot stayed on the mother's face. In the reverse shot from Mark’s girlfriend, the mother’s facial expressions are complex and meaningful. The dim light hit the mother's gully face, and every expression was a long sentence. Only the mother's eyes are as bright as a torch, not flickering, not hesitating, and as firm as her love for her son. This mother, this woman is so lonely, her complicated expression, her firm maternal love. Her voice: "My son what have you done?" It was her dying struggle. Is her firm love still there at that moment?

When the police officer told Mark's girlfriend that it was not a neighbor but Mark's mother that Mark had stabbed to death, the young woman had a faint joy on her face. She was calm and terrifying, and treated the fact that her boyfriend stabbed her biological mother to death. She recounted the contradiction with her boyfriend's mother, the dead man in a large section. During an unpleasant dinner, the mother asked Mark to eat more and worried that Mark would eat too little, and then forced his son to eat jelly that he didn't like. The strong maternal love was most easily satisfied. The mother watched her son personally give her jelly, another wonderful performance. The expression on the mother's face is full of joy, and a simple act like this by the son can make the mother cry of joy. When the mother saw the cordial and pleasant conversation between her son and his girlfriend, a hint of jealousy was about to erupt. All love is selfish. What's more, this old woman who has only a son in her entire life. Maternal love is all her life.

She died, under the sword of her son. Accompanied by a deep cello, a loud shout came from far away. The police officer took the pizza and walked closer and closer to the garage, and the shouting voice became louder and louder, and the voice looming crisis lurked around Mark. As if it were another warning, this low backing vocal always appeared when Mark was in danger. After the police moved away from the garage, the shout was also drowned out. Mark, safe and sound. The accompaniment sings like a broken string, tears like a cry, Mark be careful! This is the care of Mark from the soul that is still alive after the mother's death. The mother who was stabbed to death by her son is still fearlessly dedicated to her mother's love.

Third, calm catharsis

why the whole world is watching me?

Why are the mountains watching me?

Why do the clouds look down on me?

Why is everyone staring at me?

Why is the whole world watching me?

Why is the whole world watching me?

Another voice in my heart, a primitive cry, began to emerge in the lens. No longer looming, the sense of lens becomes richer with this sound. From the front shot to the reverse shot, from the long shot to a remote and ancient ethnic gathering place. Close-ups one after another, the faces of those sincere believers. As Mark's subjective perspective goes on, the whole picture is full of gray faces, furrowed wrinkles, and gray beards. The camera rotates and moves to Mark's face, and the close-up of the entire face goes from hideous doubt to calm. The original cry, the voice in my heart vented unscrupulously.

Mark was asking himself why he killed his mother, and the voice was questioning him. The image of her mother appeared again, and the process of her killing was calm and peaceful. The mother had expected it a long time ago, like a kid who did something wrong, without screaming. Quietly, I can hear the sound of a sharp sword piercing her body: Son, what have you done?

The voice in that heart will never appear again.

The images of women and children at the end of the film appear outside the "City of God", and the cars driving on the highway are still harmonious images. The director unfolded the story flatly at the end, still still, and still piercing.

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My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done quotes

  • Brad Macallam: [Advancing towards his mother] Kill me. Kill me now before it happens.


    Brad Macallam: Kill me!

  • Ingrid: [Talking to a police officer concerning Brad Macallam's actions] I'm his fiancee, I think I can help!