Don’t touch the fundamentals, Western society will do whatever you want

Makenna 2022-10-31 17:35:23

I have always disliked dramas with big names and very different contents.

A pampered, rebellious capitalist son, holding his sister, engaged in avant-garde "red" and "left-wing" small activities in school, and played a pique-like strike with the capitalist father. Does Lotsky have a hairy relationship?

The protagonist associates his own experience and year with Trotsky everywhere in his life, which in itself is a manifestation of extremely immaturity. This often reminds me of the teenagers I met when I was a student who connected his experience with Hitler's life.

The revolution is not about showing off the limelight, creating something new, or engaging in some symbolic signs and activities. The democratic society in Canada has given them such a relaxed environment. If it is placed in China, what will happen? How many people can persist?

You must know that Trotsky's life was almost full of violence and bloody suppression, cruel and ruthless inner-party struggles, and exile away from his homeland. These are not what a youth film borrowed from his name can carry. In a word, this movie has nothing to do with communism.

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The Trotsky quotes

  • Dwight: What if I went straight to Berkoff and told him what you guys are planning?

    Leon: I held a press conference, Dwight. I'm pretty sure he already knows.

  • Frank McGovern: He wants the school board commissioner to allow the kids to unionize and safe passage to Venezuela... that was a joke.

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