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Lambert 2022-02-22 08:02:00

"Charlie" is a mid-century movie based on "Flowers for Algernon". This book is a must-read for the eighth grade of junior high school in the United States. It is indeed a very fascinating literary work. I personally think that the adaptation of the movie script did not completely shock and helplessly use the first person in the novel. But I think the film failed compared to the original work because it focused too much on the love affair between charly and Mrs Kinnian, and another thing I still can’t understand is why the screenwriter of the film specially changed Miss Kinnian from the original work to Mrs. Kinnian? Is this to express a more complicated love background? Or is it just trying to confuse the audience? It is not a good thing to complicate a popular movie.
But again, what I admire most about the film is that when Charly found out that he would soon return to his original appearance, he ran out of the venue and found no exit in the labyrinth like Algernon. Troubled by nightmares. The profile reflects his life-confusion, fear of the past.
This is a film with a touch of sadness. The most tearful thing about anything is "once" Charly was once smart, and he once had love. I can't help thinking that such a trip, for Charly, may not only be a so-called satisfaction, but also a kind of injury. When he went to lay flowers on Algernon's grave, he was also paying homage to his own destiny. There was little time left... When
watching the film together, some people said that charly became ordinary again. Is it really ordinary? I don't think anyone is ordinary. Although Charly is a fool, he is also unique. He stood at the crossroads of life, but he was powerless because he couldn't choose.
As the leading actor of this movie, Cliff also won the Oscar winner, and watched it carefully again. Indeed, the actors of that era, without the current special effects, relied on acting for their meals. Therefore, all that can be left are fine products. He showed Charly's innocence and panic and helplessness after the operation... to the fullest.
I feel very honored to be able to appreciate this kind of old film and to appreciate the art of film nearly half a century ago. It is a completely different feeling.

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Extended Reading
  • Janelle 2022-02-22 08:02:00

    On the one hand, it is not a blessing for the mentally retarded to become a smart person even for a short time. On the other hand, as a scientist, perhaps at the beginning of the experiment, he should be told that the results of the operation will not be permanent. Even a flash of lightning at midnight at least once illuminated the entire sky. . . Actor Cliff Robertson's interpretation of Charlie won him a figurehead. PS Silent Questions Cangtian and this film are a bit different in the same way

  • Kristy 2022-04-23 07:04:08

    The adaptation is never as good as the original, and the love segment in the movie is too long. The actor's acting is excellent. Movies don't make me feel as deep and uncomfortable as books.

Charly quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alice Kinnian: Marry me?

    [Charly goes silent by refusing]

    Alice Kinnian: [sits down] All right, don't marry me.

    Charly Gordon: [smiles] Motion carried.

    Alice Kinnian: But I'm going to stay right here. Whenever you feel like telling me to go, just let me know - just tell me so. I'll go, I'll leave.

    Charly Gordon: Leave.

    [Alice goes stunned]

    Charly Gordon: Please, leave.

    Alice Kinnian: [solemnly] All right...

    [Alice hesitates then slowly heads to the door]

    Alice Kinnian: Good night.

    Charly Gordon: [without looking at her] Good night.

    [Alice leaves]

  • Mrs. Apple: [sees Charly bring Alice to his room] Can you imagine, Monty? Charly Gordon with a girl! Well, he better have her out by 10:00. There'll be no hokey-pokey in my house!