Song One: Quiet song, quiet feeling

Octavia 2022-06-07 13:17:48

This is a movie suitable for watching when it is quiet and has plenty of time. If you want to see treacherous plots, glamorous beauties, and gorgeous sets, there are none here. But during the quiet hour and a half on the plane, what I saw were feelings that were too much to say, the undercurrent surging between two bad-spoken people, and the urge to stop time at the best stage of love.

Who doesn't have the fond memories of walking on the street all night with first love. Listening to the river at night, the singing of birds flying by, the whistle of the train, and those things that you would not pay attention to in ordinary life, I feel so beautiful at this time. The introverted singer wanted to help the heroine's younger brother, but gradually noticed the heroine herself. The hostess wanted to invite the singer out, but she forgot to mention the location. There is no blood, no unexpected reversal, but it just reminds you of your feelings, the person you have loved silently, the friend with a good impression, the feelings that die without disease, and the singing that reverberates on the campus lawn in those years. This is probably the best part of being young.

The plane was very quiet, the windows were closed, and no one around seemed to exist. Hold a glass of drink, drink it in small sips, and watch the movie minute by minute. Seeing the singer go to the heroine's house for dinner, the heroine's mother insisted on letting the heroine sing her favorite song when she was a child, and she cried as she sang. I am afraid that only people who come here will understand the subtle and fleeting feelings.

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Song One quotes

  • James Forester: You know when you have a feeling that you don't want to fade away, but you don't really know how to keep it?